From Pine View Farm

All the News that Fits 2

Some Guy with a Website finds campaign press coverage lacking.

Paul Ryan is the final proof to me that this country simply doesn’t have a news media anymore. Regardless of you liking/hating Obama or supporting/opposing a right-wing economic plan, we don’t have people we used to have simply stating for the fact that almost everything he says is a complete lie. This isn’t a partisan observation; his tax plan literally doesn’t work using a highly biased system called “math.”

He has a point, you know.

Major media does not call out the lies until and unless they have no choice.



  1. George Smith

    August 13, 2012 at 4:48 pm

    Are they starting to memorize jokes from Captain Billy’s Whiz Bang? Actually Professor Harold Hill turned out better than these guys ever will. Heh.

  2. Frank

    August 14, 2012 at 3:13 pm

    I have decided that, inside the beltway commentariat, the best way to be considered “serious” is to be nasty and vindictive.