From Pine View Farm

Mitt the Flip the Bird 0


The Punditocracy has tended to talk about what Mitt’s the Flip’s remarks about half the country’s population being slugs and loads imply for the campaign.

Consider this: What do they imply about Romney the person?

Ronnie Polaneczky delivers a take-down. A snippet (emphasis added):

I FEEL TERRIBLE for the hardworking 47 percent of Americans whom Mitt Romney considers lazy, entitled and unwilling to take “personal responsibility and care for their lives.”


To get kicked in the teeth while you’re crawling is miserable. When the kick comes from a wing-tipped prig of privilege who has never known a moment’s financial terror – that’s despicable.

Meanwhile, Reg Henry riffs:

Look at what I did today: I got up and had cereal, no doubt the result of farm subsidies; had some tomato juice with the government-mandated nutrition information; jumped into my car with all its socialist safety equipment, such as air bags; and took government-maintained bridges and roads (not well-maintained, thank goodness, giving me the chance to die as an independent citizen in a bridge collapse) all the way here to the word factory.

And what did I find? A workplace maintained according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards, leaving me with no chance to breathe asbestos. At lunch I had some chicken, also subject to government oversight that deprives me of the fun of contracting a bacterial disease.

Is this the life of a free man? Of course not. It would be much better if I rode a horse to work, perhaps a polo pony from the Romney stable, one that came with one of those dandy mallets ideal for hitting the heads of passing ingrates — you know, the people who think they are entitled to eat and have health care just because America is one of the richest nations on Earth.


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