October, 2012 archive
There and Back Again 0
Maybe they should have swiped a GPS while they were at it.
An Accounting 0
Helen Philpot quantifies Mitt’s lies, then concludes
Read the rest.
If You Haven’t Visited the Grand Canyon, Now Is the Time 1
Some Arizonans are determined to despoil it. From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
I’ve been there twice, once to the South Rim and once to the much-less-visited North Rim.
I find this effort appalling and barbarous.
Republicans: Sperm uber Alles 0
According to Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock, rape is God’s work.
I realized during the night that “Pro-Life” is not about “Life.”
It’s about sperm.
It’s about conquest.
It’s about the belief that, if a man plants a successful little swimmer, it must be preserved and revered above all else, because, by God, it’s a man’s.
All the rest is poppycock.
Football Got My Goat a Long Time Ago 1
Now the goats are fighting back.
Burns High School, in the northern Cleveland County town of Lawndale, is playing football games and soccer matches at other teams’ fields, after someone turned several goats loose inside Ron Greene Stadium behind the school last Thursday night.
(The local health department has been trying to track down an E. Coli outbreak, hence closing the field.)
Republican Family Values 0
Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.
Trek 0
I used my bicycle for actual transportation today.
Usually I just ride around in circles.
Today, though, I dropped off the truck at Bucky’s because of a coolant leak (new radiator, 300 bucks). There’s a nice quiet residential neighborhood between there and here, so I bicycled back, admiring the houses outfitted in celebration of All Hallows Eve.
“Baracktose Intolerance” 0
Jon Stewart asks the question:
. . . setting aside that the President didn’t actually do any of these things, why did the President do these things?
Via TPM.
The Entitlement Society 4
At Philly dot com, Ronnie Polaneczky explains why she was unable to write a cutesy-poo column about the debates and women in binders:
He and his ilk will never lose sleep at night worrying how to pay the heating bill.
Romney and his campmates believe that this brand of well-being is attainable for anyone who will just work hard enough for it.
Except then there would be no schoolteachers, who work hard – but at middling wages. Ditto for cops, and soldiers, and firefighters, and medics, and office workers, and cashiers, and waiters, and social workers, and bus drivers, and lab techs, and just about every kind of worker whose sweat contributes to and supports a greater whole called America.
We can’t all run Bain Capital. If we did, who would tend to Romney’s houses? Bus the tables at his fundraisers? Clean out the stalls where his wife keeps her horses? Or fix the tires on her Cadillacs when they go flat?
What Romney has done, by dishonoring the 47 percent – and forgetting the 99 percent – is dishonor work that he himself would never do. And in doing so, he dishonors those who do it.
Read the rest.