From Pine View Farm

October, 2012 archive

Glossary 0

In the Tampa Bay-Times, Robyn Blumner defines the terms. A snippet:


Obama: The pluralism contributing to our nation’s strength and vigor. Romney: Something in a portfolio.

Follow the link and increase your word power.


Tagglines 0

White Privilege CardTagg Romney notoriously said that, when President Obama called out his Daddy’s lies in Tuesday’s debate, he wanted to rush the stage and–well–tag the President one.

In the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Tony Norman wonders why Tagg didn’t declare a desire to tag Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, or any other of Mitt the Flip’s opponents who have remarked on Mitt’s malignantly militant mendacity.


Whatever could it have been?

I just can’t imagine how Mr. Obama could have made Mr. Tagg so uppityset.

A nugget from Mr. Norman (emphasis added).

And let’s address the elephant in the room: Tagg Romney was in no hurry to rush the stage when primary opponents this year and in 2008 questioned Mitt Romney’s integrity. He wouldn’t have had to worry about the Secret Service intervening when Gov. Rick Perry was mocking his father. Why didn’t he take a swing at the Texas governor? Because Mr. Perry would have stomped him silly and then stomped his dad for good measure.

When former House Speaker Newt Gingrich explicitly called Mitt Romney a liar, somehow Tagg Romney kept his composure. Former Sen. Rick Santorum insisted that Gov. Romney was the worst possible nominee the GOP could run against Barack Obama. Tagg smiled through Mr. Santorum’s withering assessment and kept his violent thoughts to himself. There were no goofy threats giggled into radio microphones back then, despite ample opportunities.

The fact that Tagg Romney could vent to his fantasies about taking a swing at the first black president is a testament to his broad-mindedness in a way. He’s another Republican who “doesn’t see color.” All Tagg Romney sees is someone taking a shot at his dad, and it makes him mad now in a way that didn’t make him quite as mad before.


Trust Issues 0


A Picture Is Worth 0

It is all around us. We have only to look.

Manifestations of subtle racism:  For example, asking a young white woman holding a baby, "Is that your sister?" and a young black woman holding a baby, "Is that yoru son?"

Via Contradict Me.


TSA Security Theatre, Re-Imaging Dept. 0

The Transportation Security Administration has been quietly removing its X-ray body scanners from major airports over the last few weeks and replacing them with machines that radiation experts believe are safer.

The TSA says it made the decision not because of safety concerns but to speed up checkpoints at busier airports. It means, though, that far fewer passengers will be exposed to radiation because the X-ray scanners are being moved to smaller airports.

Wonder whether Michael Chertoff will have to return his lobbying fees.


Romnesia 0

Via TPM.


Facebook Frolics 0

Bring on the stupid, but don’t post that work of art edition.


Stupid User Tricks 0

More than 99 percent of all cell phone calls for 911 are by accident and local dispatchers say those calls are jamming the system, making it hard to deal with real emergencies.

“A visitor to the Oceanfront dialed 911 34 times unbeknownst to him,” Operations Manager at the Virginia Beach Emergency Communications Center Lori Stiles said. “911 attempted 44 calls back to him before we reached him and he indicated his phone had dialed an error and he did not need assistance.”

In other words, approximately 500 of the 50,000 calls they received in the third quarter were valid emergency 911 calls. And that’s just in one middlin’-sized metropolitan area. Wonder what the figure is nationwide.

How the heck do so many people manage to do this?

I’ve placed errant calls on my cell from time to time.

It has always happened when I got an attack of WDB (wrong damned button) and it’s not yet been a 911 call.

I placed the call.

I knew I did it.

I then hit the RDB (right damned button) and ended the call.


Stay Classy, Republicans 2

Really, now, swastikas are considered most declasse amongst the finest circles.



Francis Bacon:

If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us.


Dustbiters 0

The mystery of the mysterious disappearing banks returns to haunt the moneyed classes. Bank no more on these:


Susie Sampson: Law-Abinding Woman 0


The Unified Field Feary 0

Tom Tomorrow:  Republicans uniting against immigrants.  Against dark-skinned people.  Against pointy-headed intellectuals.  Against the Northeast.  Against college towns.  Against the 47% who are useless parasites.  Against appeasers in their own party.  Against each other.


Salt Lake City Tribune Endorses President Obama 0

And the endorsement is a reasonable nod to President Obama’s achievements, which are so frequently overlooked, and a blistering indictment of Mitt and his flips.

In other news, the Tamba Bay Times also endorsed President Obama today.


Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog informs me that the Denver Post is also endorsing President Obama.


The Binder of Doom 4

Women quayle before its looming not-niceness:

Comic Book Illustration:  Three women gasping in horror

Image via Mr. Feastingonroadkill.


RIP Newsweek 0

It died long ago, a victim of boredom (of the readers). It’s about Time (heh) someone noticed.

I suspect that, as a digital entity, it will be the Geocities of news sources, hanging on by its electrons long after the crowds have faded away.


Mitt the Shape-Shifter 0

Stu Bykofsky, hardly a pillar of lefty-ness, realizes that there’s no there, there:

ON MONDAYS, Wednesdays and Fridays, I like Mitt Romney’s policies. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, not so much, because he reverses what he said the day before. Sundays he refuses to give any specifics about his policies.

Half the time, I like Barack Obama’s policies. When I don’t, at least I know what they are.

Read the rest. It’s worth the two minutes.


Making Music with Binders On 0

Dick Destiny harnesses the beat.


Alternative Realities 0

Via Media Matters.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Bumper sticker:  Obama is not a foreign born brown-skinned anti-war socialist that gives away health care.  You're thinking of Jesus.

Via Coarse Cracked Corn
