From Pine View Farm

Decoding the Code 2

Lee Atwater, in his own words:

Anyway you look at it, race is coming on the back burner.

In case you haven’t noticed the secession kerfuffle, know that it’s at least partially because Republicans have intentionally kept race simmering away on the back burner for four decades.

Via Bob Cesca.



  1. George Smith

    November 14, 2012 at 9:44 pm

    Did you ever see the documentary on him, Boogie Man? It dissects him and his tactics during the elder Bush’s first campaign. It is bizarre and often sickening. Atwater was a Ted Nugent-like bigot in that he insisted he wasn’t while playing the race card continuously. He played guitar and chummed around with old black blues artists who seemed to tolerate him even though they knew what he was doing. And he felt that proved he couldn’t possibly be a bigot. Then he got a brain tumor and in the losing struggle he goes on this piteous self-examination trip, realized indeed that he has been a horrible human being. And he begs and talks as if he’s afraid of what’s in store of him, that he’s sorry for all he’s done and then he died, badly. And when I was watching it I was kinda glad he died. It seemed fair. He made a mockery of decency, from the antic little white clown guitar playing routines at GOP victory parties, to the leeching on to famous blues musicians who get to be next to famous politicians, it just all makes you vaguely nauseous.

  2. Frank

    November 14, 2012 at 11:09 pm

    Didn’t see it, heard about it.
    Black folks are long accustomed to putting up with white hypocrites.
    I don’t know what’s worse, a sincere racist, or a white opportunist who trades on racism.
    Well, actually, I do know what is worse.  
    The latter.  The former is a fool and a bigot; the latter is a user of people.