March, 2013 archive
Plus ca Change 0
Via Bartcop.
Boundaries 0
If you want to understand what happened in Steubenvile, you can start with than this:
Twits on Twitter 0
Sexist geek twits.
But the backlash against Adria Richards has been brutal and swift. Richards, who is based in San Francisco, has been fired from her job as a “developer evangelist” at SendGrid, a Colorado-based email delivery company, according to tech blog VentureBeat. And she has received disturbing comments on her Twitter feed and violent images referencing rape and murder.
There seems to be a certain coterie in geekdom who think that sitting at a console typing code into a text editor is somehow reserved for macho, macho men.
Republican “Minority Outreach” 0
An oxymoron, now! with extra, added morons!
Tony Norman struggles to wrap his mind around the concept of “Frederick Douglass Republicans.”
I can’t summarize or excerpt the piece and do it justice. Just go there.
Return of Beyond the Palin, the Reality TV Years 0
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Via the The Daily Banter.
Facebook Frolics, No There There Dept. 0
The guy is so stalwart a Republican with so exemplary a record of Republican economic practices (follow the link) that John McMaverick McCain refused his donations.
Observance, Reprise 4
Der Spiegel looks back at the Great and Glorious Patriotic War for a Lie in Iraq and attempts to learn something from it. Here are two of their conclusions:
6. It was the war of the neocons
7. The neocons learned little from the war
Follow the link for the rest, including their reasoning.
Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0
Not too bad, but sequestration . . . .
The four-week moving average of claims, a less-volatile measure, dropped to a five-year low of 339,750 from 347,250.
Both Sides Not 0
Lee Jussim:
So who engages in more science-denial — liberals or conservatives?
Read the rest.
Self-Indulgence 0
Got myself a triceps bar.