True Colors 0
Motivated by the popularity of the History Channel’s current biblical potboiler*, Chauncey Devega wades into the confluence of history, belief, and culture to wonder why, in the popular American imagination, Jesus is always imagined as white like me.
This Jesus would be hounded and harassed by the TSA, looked at as a de facto “suspicious” person in post 9/11 America, and be racially profiled by the national security state. The historical Jesus would likely be subject to stop and frisk policies by the New York police and others. If it were too late at night, and the historical Jesus was trying to get a cab–especially if he were not attired “professionally”–he would be left standing curbside because brown folks in their twenties and thirties who look like him are presumed to be criminals.
Read it.
*Which I am industriously ignoring.