From Pine View Farm

April, 2013 archive

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

A male student went on a stabbing spree at a community college in northwest Houston on Tuesday, injuring at least 14 people, two of them critically, Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia said. The campus was sealed off.

Garcia said at a press conference that an emergency call came in at 11:12 a.m. local time: “Male on the loose stabbing people.”

No doubt, had he had a gun, politeness would have restrained his hand and no injuries would have ensued, none whatsoever.

I am quite certain it would have worked out that way.

Oh yes, yes indeedy do.

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Denis Diderot:

Distance is a great promoter of admiration!


Sequestrian Dressage, Aeroplane Dances Dept. 0

The bread is long gone, as Dick Destiny points out.

Now, no more circus.

The annual air show at Oceana Naval Air Station has been canceled as a result of federal budget cuts, the Navy announced today.

The cancellation this afternoon came less than an hour after Naval Air Forces announced that the Navy’s famed Blue Angels aerial demonstration squadron would not fly the rest of its 2013 schedule, a result of across-the-board cuts demanded by sequestration.

I went to an airshow once, in Willow Grove, Pa.

It was a lot of fun, especially touring the planes that were on display and watching the C-130s reverse and parallel park (this ability is so they can land and take off from short runways with no room to turn around).

Nevertheless, it was ultimately little more than PR for the flyboys.

Skip to the seven minute mark:


The Lost Cause 0

I’ve said it before, but it holds, especially this month:

The next time you hear someone bemoaning “The Lost Cause,” remember just what cause was lost.


Do as I Say, Not as I Do 0

No heat at NRA press stunt.

Daniel Ruth reports:

The only odor to be detected was the wafting of NRA hypocrisy hanging over the room.

Reporters entering the make-believe news conference were subjected to searches; even water bottles were confiscated, which might suggest some very fine vodka could have been discarded. It was the National Press Club, after all.

Still, it does seem a bit odd that the National Rifle Association, the purveyors of Big Fear, which wants everybody to be able to carry a gun anywhere they want, would suddenly go all weak in the knees over the remote possibility that someone attending Hutchinson’s Potemkin Village news conference might be packing heat.

The only threat the assembled scribblers posed to Asa Hutchinson was misspelling his first name with an extra “s”.


Payback Time Served 0

Debtors Prison, Accomack Cty., Virginia"

Debtors Prison, Accomack Cty., Virginia”

One of the sights where I grew up was the Debtors Prison next to the local courthouse. It predated the Revolutionary War and was a fixture for elementary school field trips; there is one in both counties on the Eastern Shore (the one pictured is from the other county).

It was alway presented as a relic of the bad old days, when folks believed that jailing persons was a way to make them come up with money they didn’t have so they could pay their creditors.

All that is old is new again.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

A little child shall lead them, politely.

A 4-year-old Toms River, Ocean County, boy shot his 6-year-old neighbor in the head last night with a rifle, police confirmed this morning.

And in other news of the polite,

A cookout in Tennessee ended in tragedy over the weekend when a 3-year-old child accidentally shot and killed the wife of a Wilson County sheriff’s deputy.

As always, Susie Sampson is on the job:


A Modest Proposal 0

cassandra_m has a thought:

. . . this makes sense to me. If we are focused like a laser beam on compensating *teachers* for effectiveness (and for effectiveness over factors they can’t always control), why not compensate legislators the same way? What do you think?

Pay for performance for pols.

The legislative payroll budget drops to zero!

I say, “Go for it.”


Twits on Twitter 0

The stupid, it burns.

We are doomed.

Via Noz.


Magnum School 0

NRA Magnet School:  Police in bunkers in school corridor to little boy:  Raise your hands and let me see your hall pass---nice and slow.

Via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.



Alfred North Whitehead:

Everything of importance has been said before by somebody who did not discover it.


I Want To Ride on My Bicyle 0

Fuji Sports 10Finally, bicycle weather. I’m not one to bundle up and go for a ride in the cold. My stationary bike is just fine in the winter.

But the real one is more fun. I treated it to new pedals this year.

First three-mile ride today!


“If Lockpicks Are Outlawed, Only Criminals Will Have Lockpicks” 0


Haunted 0

I was trying to text the word “tomorrow” on the old cell phone, botched it, and spellcheck said

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Vast Wastelands 4

The big fuss in the wire stories today seems to be “Zero TV Homes.” The story seems to be leading all over the landscape.

None of the reports take note of the correlation between “zero TV homes” and the reality (shows) of “zero TV TV.”


American Taliban 0

Mirror images. (Don’t stop with the headline–read the whole thing–it takes only a minute.)

Nothing more to say.


War and Remembrance 0

A long time ago, I read this, from the Scholastic Book Club.

Some want us to forget or even to deny.

Do not. Instead . . .

Now I ask you to take a much smaller bit of time to read this, then this.


The Rich Are Different from You and Me 0

Benjamin I. Page and Larry M. Bartels explain:

Over the last two years, President Barack Obama and Congress have put the country on track to reduce projected federal budget deficits by nearly $4 trillion. Yet when that process began in early 2011 only about 12 percent of Americans in Gallup polls cited federal debt as the nation’s most important problem. Two to three times as many cited unemployment and jobs as the biggest challenge facing the country.

So why did policymakers focus so intently on the deficit issue? One reason may be that the small minority that saw the deficit as the nation’s priority had more clout than the majority that didn’t.

The have-nots outnumber the haves, but the haves are haves because what they have is clout.

Read the rest.


Spill Here, Spill Now 0

March 29:  Oil pipeline bursts in Mayflower, Ark., flooding residential neighborhood with crude.  March 30:  In weekly address, GOP calls Keystone XL pipeline a

Via Bartcop.



John Cleese:

I find it rather easy to portray a businessman. Being bland, rather cruel, and incompetent comes naturally to me.
