From Pine View Farm

April, 2013 archive

And Now for Something Completely Different 0

Via SFgate.


Get an Education or Learn a Trade? 4

In the Roanoke Times, Tom Arcaro has a thoughtful piece on the purpose of education.

Buried in it is a statement that helps explain why technocrats and wingnuts seem so determined to rip the charter from public education and give it over to profiteers for-profit charter schools (emphasis added).

The blind algorithm of capitalism, extolled in its virtues by neoliberals both domestic and international, creates the kinds of systems that will keep it moving forward. Eisenhower understood that the military-industrial complex was a natural outgrowth of a maturing capitalism, and the same phenomena have occurred to produce the education-industrial complex.

Are these two ends of higher education — to serve democracy or serve the economic system — mutually exclusive? No, not literally, but I have never in my three decades teaching in higher education had a parent ask how majoring in sociology will make his daughter a better global citizen.

Institutions of education “create the public” more than just teach it.

. . . and an informed polity is inimical to conservative dogma.

Read the rest.


The Galt and the Lamers 0

Via Raw Story.


A Picture Is Worth, Scary Facts Dept. 0

Missed connections map, whowing where persons listed as the sites of their

Click for a larger image.

Read more »


Scamateur Athletics, Reprise 0

Bob Molinaro, sports writer extraordinaire at my local rag, introduces his column on the prospects of a local kid who has been demoted to third-string quarterback at Virginia’s always-a-bridesmaid-never-a-bride football factory with this bit:

“Over the years,” he said Saturday, “I think I lost my enjoyment of the game. I have to go back to the way it was and start having fun again.”

Following the Blue-Orange spring game, Sims said that sometimes he has to shake free from the feeling that football is “more of a job than anything,” though it really is for a college player.

“You’re so focused on studying film and doing everything on the practice field so perfectly,” he said, “you forget that this should be fun.”

He uses the quotation to lead into a nicely-done human interest story about the player.

He could just as easily have led into a story on the overall state of college sports and entertainment factories.

For a few of the fans, it’s obsession. For others, it’s a source of income (a bracket bucket shop). For most, it’s still a game.

For the college sports and entertainment cartel and its members, though, it’s all business.


Facebook Frolics 4

At the Guardian, Steven Poole explains how the Faceborg’s “Home” is a glass house.

If Facebook is a home, it’s furnished by Ikea, in calming blue and white: minimalist, reassuringly boring. But it also has no curtains. Modern technology increasingly encourages a peculiar kind of information exhibitionism, defaulting to making you “share” your every digital move, not only with the drone-bots of the corporate cloud but with everyone you know. Some users of the new Blackberry Z10 have been mildly discombobulated on learning that the phone’s video player was alerting their friends that they had been browsing sites such as, which is (or so I understand) very much Not Safe For Work.

Video via Delaware Liberal.


One Thing on the Mind 0

Have you noticed that Republicans and Bible-thumpers are preoccupied with sex?

Tom Tomorrow:  Gay marriage oponents assure us that they are not bigots.  (But they are able to think of only one thing.)

Click for a larger image.


Establishmentarians Disre-established . . . for Now 0


The sponsors of this legislation are not just some random bowl of mixed nuts. . . .

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Nuts, yes. Just not random.

Via Raw Story.



Carl von Clausewitz:

Boldness becomes rarer, the higher the rank.


On the Bounding Main Chance 0

The difference between bankers and pirates:  Ships sinking, bankers in lifebooat with money.  Pirate says:

Via Bartcop.


Up on the Roof . . . . 0

Some Cubs fans aren’t happy.

They fear the loss of their cottage industry cottages.

Wrigley Field rooftopsAs the Chicago Cubs and Mayor Rahm Emanuel near a deal on rehabbing Wrigley Field, the owners of the lucrative rooftop clubs overlooking the venerable ballpark yesterday displayed fear of the results.

Rattling a legal saber they’ve unsheathed before, the rooftop owners reiterated their belief that an agreement allowing signs that block their bird’s-eye views would violate not only their contract with the Cubs but also the city’s landmark rules for the 99-year-old stadium.

As many times as I’ve been to Chicago, I never got to Wrigley, though I did once take in a game at the old Comiskey Park, the one with the picnic tables behind screens in the outfield.

Must be fun cleaning those when it snows.


Droning On 0

No exit.

I predict an influx of jellyfish at nude beaches.


Facebook Frolics 2

No there, there.


Pick-Up Artist 0

It looks as if the house finch whose picture I posted a while ago has found a girlfriend.

male and female house finches on window box

Admittedly, it’s not a great shot–the morning sun was glaring on the glass, but I knew that, if I tried to open the door, it would startle them away.

But I think it’s a neat moment.


Airing Dirty Electrons 0

The new paper trail, described by William D. Cohen at Bloomberg:

Wall Street professionals (and others) still don’t grasp that e-mails and text messages are no place for laying out schemes of wrongdoing, for sharing one’s doubts about the wisdom of selling a flawed product or for freaking out when a large bet on an obscure derivative goes awry.

Even though the U.S. public has had exactly zero satisfaction when it comes to holding Wall Street accountable for the financial crisis that started in 2007, some degree of solace can be found in the stream of embarrassing e-mails and documents that those with subpoena power have kindly made available to the rest of us in recent years.

Follow the bread crumbs through the forest with Mr. Cohen.

Read the rest.


Our Failed Schools 0

I give you the evidence.


Facebook Frolics 0

The whole she-bang is run by teenaged boys (and immature ones, at that).



Lenny Bruce:

I’ve been accused of bad taste, and I’ll go down to my grave accused of it and always by the same people, the ones who eat in restaurants that reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.


Dustbiters 0

Whenever I start to think I should retire this title, another master of the universe bites the dust:

is no more.

Have you noticed that the flashier the name, the more ephemeral the bank?


We have our own bank drama going on in these parts, where it belongs: in criminal court.


Facebook Frolics 0

Pandora wonders whether the Faceborg is on the way to the Myspace space.
