From Pine View Farm

April, 2013 archive

Sucking at the Evil Fedrul Teat 0

Rick Perry, taker, not maker.

Republicans, rugged individualists, except when they aren’t.


Deja Vu Once More All Over Again 0

When Ronald Reagan was shot, I was working in Washington, D. C., actually not too far, as distances are measured in cities, from the site.

My first reaction on learning the identity of his shooter was, “Thank God he wasn’t black.”

I had seen that racial prejudice was central to the Reagan appeal and knew that, if the suspect were black, a backlash of hatred and bigotry would ensue. (Stuff like this.)

Haters always look for an excuse to unleash their hate.

I had the same reaction today when I saw the FBI’s pictures of possible Boston bombing suspects on the inner webs.


He’s Had His Fill, Buster 0

Timothy Lavin argues that more precise news reporting might lead to a better understanding of the news. A nugget (emphasis added).

George Orwell illuminated something important about how bad policy can be both the cause and the effect of sloppy writing. Language, he wrote, “becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.”

I bring this up apropos of the gun-control plan the Senate has been considering. You might think, reading this morning’s news, that the Senate had voted on this plan and then “defeated” or “rejected” it. The Hill, for instance, wrote: “It failed by a vote of 54 to 46, with five Democrats voting against it. Only four Republicans supported it.” Reading that, you wouldn’t suspect that 54 senators actually supported passing the measure in question, which they did. Or that the proposal was actually blocked by a filibuster.


Lies and Lying Liars 0

The NRA.


No Speculation, Doing the Boston Jump Dept. 4

Reg Henry jumps himself to some conclusions. A snippet:

I will jump to further conclusions, now that I have the hang of it. Hate is an infection, one that has reached epidemic proportions in American society and the world. A lot of people think the remedy to hate is more hate, if it is focused on their favorite enemy. Trouble is, hate once loosed is not so easily contained.

It is a tall jump to the next conclusion, but I’m up for it: Those who just hate and those others who act on their hate in murderous ways are swimming in the same swamp. And, yes, some of those who jumped immediately to prejudiced conclusions about the Boston Marathon bombing don’t realize that their selective disdain for humanity helps maintain, even if only a little, the habitat where killers flourish.

Jump to the link for the rest.



Horace Greeley:

Apathy is a sort of living oblivion.


The Sound of Silence 0

Newshound explains the “silent filibuster.”

Warning: The slideshow may not work in all browsers (like my Opera, for example, which, despite the warning, is as modern as it comes). You can watch it in a “supported browser”* at the original location.


*Really lame, Newshound. Really really lame.


Ricin Beans, Reprise 0

George Smith has more to say about the fringe’s fascination with ricin and dealing death-by-mail.

A self-defeating and nihilistic interest exists in ricin poison in this country, as if every red-blooded, disappointed and frustrated American kook has a defiant right to possess a recipe on their hard disk and a packet of castor seeds nearby, perhaps next to an unregistered handgun equipped with a silencer made out of a vegetable. In the last twelve years this has ensured a constant trickle of criminal apprehensions and prosecutions, a process the government has handled efficiently, depositing ricin crackpots where they belong. Everyone found with castor seeds and a ricin recipe gets a long prison stay. There have never been any exceptions, even with those in the group who have never gotten to the part where the seeds are actually turned to powder.


Follow the Money 0

Thom wonders why the fear of big guvmint and offers a theory. An excerpt:

Billionaires and big transnational corporations don’t want big government because when government stops funding the commons, things like schools, hospitals, water, power systems, then the billionaires can grab those natural monopolies and squeeze more and more money out of the working people.


Fertile Ground for Investment Boom! 0

Susie outlines how Republican hostility to safety regulations led to the explosion in Waco.

Just read it.


Facebook Frolics 0

The juror is out.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

About the same.

Applications (INJCJC) for jobless insurance payments increased by 4,000 to 352,000 in the week ended April 13, in line with the median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg. There was nothing unusual in last week’s data and two states, California and Kentucky, were estimated, a Labor Department official said.


The four-week moving average, a less volatile measure than the weekly figures, rose to 361,250 last week from 358,500.


The Skeevy Party 0

Republicans only think about one thing.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite in the waiting room:

As Andrew Bonci treated a patient at his Mission chiropractic office Tuesday, a “huge bang” echoed from his waiting room.

Rushing to see what happened, Bonci encountered a 6-year-old girl with a bullet hole in her lower leg and her 14-year-old cousin saying again and again, “I’m sorry.”

A letter writer in yesterday’s local rag made a point about shopping where a fellow shopper was packing heat in the produce aisle:

I grew up around guns. I enjoy target practice. But I was brought up to believe that guns are to be respected, not flaunted. They are not toys. They are not fashion items.



Moss Hart:

All the mistakes I ever made were when I wanted to say ‘no’ and said ‘yes’.


Musketeer 0

Learn more.

Via The Richmonder.


Speculative Sorts 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Stanton Peele offers a taxonomy for classifying the cackling that resounds after an event such as the Boston bombing.

Here’s an example; follow the link for the rest (emphasis in the original).

Vamping. “Vamping” is the term for the circumlocutions speakers use when they have nothing to say.* You can always tell when media people are doggie paddling — they say the same things over and over again, report there is no new information but that when any appears they will surely let us know (thanks!), and use as many words to say nothing as possible. Thus, the single phrase that best indicates you are participating in a kabuki theater media exercise is “at this point in time,” as in, “We don’t know that at this point in time,” when “We don’t know that at this point,” “We don’t know that yet,” or — most succinctly — “We don’t know” would all suffice.


The latest rumor in the press is that an arrest is near. A caution: Get some grains of salt and remember Richard Jewell.


Twits on Twitter 0

Dick Polman catalogs the twitnoxiousness.


Tan Lines 0

Republicans in Maine have forestalled an attempt to ban persons under 18 from tanning salons because parental freedom.

Under that reasoning, I should have been free to give my kids plastic bags and tell them to go play in the street.

David Farmer also disapproves. A nugget:

A February 2012 report found that of 300 tanning salons contacted nationally, 90 percent state that indoor tanning did not pose a health risk, while more than half of salons denied that indoor tanning would increase the risk of skin cancer.

In fact, nearly 80 percent of salons said that indoor tanning is beneficial to health, and some said it would prevent cancer.

At least one salon said: “It’s got to be safe, or else they wouldn’t let us do it.”

We shouldn’t let them do it.

The science is shocking.

A study released last fall by the University of California-San Francisco estimated that indoor tanning is responsible for more than 170,000 new cases of skin cancer a year just in the United States.


Ricin Beans (Updated) 0

Read Dick Destiny about the latest ricin scare. He knows whereof he speaks.

A nugget:

Purified ricin has never been accomplished by anyone known to be fiddling with castor seeds during the long years of the war on terror.

And no terror weapon has ever been made with it.

But, really now, facts are not nearly so much fun as fear-mongering if you want to sell papers and website hits or build an overarching surveillance empire.

Addendum, Later That Same Day:

Dick Destiny explains the chemisty.
