From Pine View Farm

April, 2013 archive

Down at the Farm? 4

I’m having trouble logging into the site from a couple of my computers.

I’m not sure what it means, but things may be quiet until I figure out whats’s going on.

I’m posting this from the computer at which I was still logged in from last night. You can follow my troubleshooting in the comments to this post.

Bye for now.


Misdirection Plays, Catering Service Servicing Dept. 0

Governor McDonnell has the wedding bell blues.



Arthur Ashe:

If I were to say, “God, why me?” about the bad things, then I should have said, “God, why me?” about the good things that happened in my life.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


Spill Here, Spill Now 0


Via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.


Rand Gestures 0

The one certain statement about Republicans and race is this:

They are so sealed in their bubble of whiteness that they just don’t get it.*

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


*Not that I do get it, but I sure as heck get it more.


Drinking Liberally Norfolk Tonight 0

Drinking Liberally is a gathering place for liberals. Socialize and laugh in a friendly atmosphere.

When: 6 p., Thursday, April 11.

Lola’s Caribbean Restaurant
328 W 20th St (map)

Details here. Meetup page here.


Facebook Frolics 0

Susan Krauss Whitbourne tries to figure out why they do it. A nugget:

In their article entitled “What Were They Thinking?,” Peluchette and Karl explored the reasons for what they deemed this reckless activity, coming up with rather surprising results. People who post the most extreme tell-all Facebook photos and updates actually do so on purpose. It’s not as if they forget to change their security settings or even have their photos updated by other people. They actually think they will look more popular, cool, and attractive if they reveal their wild, partying sides. And it’s not just women, as men too were likely to include their share of Animal House images. Facebook users varied, however, in the images they wanted to portray as revealed in this study; plenty of the students that responded to the survey wanted to project a clean and wholesome persona to the outside world.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

The only constant is Bloomberg’s need for new experts.

Jobless claims decreased by 42,000 to 346,000 in the week ended April 6, from a revised 388,000, Labor Department figures showed today in Washington. The median forecast of 49 economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for a drop to 360,000. A Labor Department official said no states were estimated and there was nothing unusual in the data.


The four-week moving average, a less volatile measure than the weekly figures, rose to 358,000 last week from 355,000.

The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits fell by 12,000 to 3.08 million in the week ended March 30.

The story points out that it’s difficult to correct for the effects of a movable feast, such as Easter.


“Look! Over There!” 2

At Psychology Today Blogs, Fathali Moghaddam attempts to understand why North Korea is throwing a temper tantrum. He thinks it might be one of those Games People Play*:

As a psychologist, Kim Jong Eun (probably in his later 20s when he came to power) believes strongly in the power of displacement. He knows that the North Korean people are living in terrible poverty and deprivation, while he and the rest of the ruling elite enjoy just about every luxury. Ordinary North Koreans have a lot to be unhappy about and they could easily turn their anger at the ruling North Korean elite. The solution found by the ‘psychologist’ Kim Jong Eun is to use displacement and turn the anger of the people against external targets. This explains the daily threats of war against the United States and South Korea, and dire warnings to the people of North Korea that ‘the Americans are going to attack soon…all eyes on America!’. Anyone who questions the idea that ‘the Americans are about to attack’ is immediately branded an ‘American spy’ and punished, sometimes with death.

The ‘crazy’ threats made by the ‘Great Successor’ will continue until he and his supporters feel that the succession has been completed, and there is no threat of rivals rising up and grabbing power.


*Great book, by the way.


Textbook Insanity 0

Yesterday, as I drew up to a red light (Ferry Plantation and Haygood, if you must know), I noticed that the gentleman in the car in the left lane, also still moving, was looking down at his cell phone, which he was holding in both hands.

He somehow managed to stay in his lane and come to a stop.

It was creepy, but it was nothing like this.


Prima Facie 0

When someone says, “I am not a racist,” he belies himself. He provides prima facie evidence otherwise.

For example.

Jeez oh man, can’t Republicans figure out that racial slurs are not common parlance in public discourse (except, perhaps, amongst themselves)?

They are used by whaddyacallem?

Oh, yeah.


I’ll stop now. I could go on, but I’ll stop now.



Joseph Conrad:

All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind.


The Internet: Is the “Information Superhighway” at a Dead End? 0


News, Ripped from the Ticker 0

Warning: Language.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Cirque de la politesse:

Authorities say a Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus elephant was hit by a bullet in a drive-by shooting in Tupelo, Miss.

Le stupide, il brûle!


Denial Is Not Just a River in Eqypt 8

A cornerstone of the self-image of many white Southerners is refusing to accept that their ancestors, those who wore the grey (as mine did), wanted to perpetuate a way of life based on holding a people in captivity and stealing their labor.

Those Southerners and their wannabe fellow-travelers, dupes, and symps will jump through all kinds of crazy, stupid hoops to avoid that truth.


Getting It Right 0

This newspaper correction made me smile.


Foul Ball, No Home Run 0

The San Jose Mercury-News’s Troy Wolverton is not impressed with “Facebook Home,” the newest assimilation tactic from the Zuckerborg.

If you want to do more on your smartphone than just use Facebook, then you don’t want Home.

Detailed review at the link.


Stray Thought 0

We seem to have gone from March to July in three days.
