From Pine View Farm

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Fortunately enough, I’ve never had to participate in any sort of video conferencing, personal or professional, though I suspect it will eventually catch up with me. I have used Ekiga, but only to make a phone call, not to “skype in,” as folks say today.

I did see a video of an early executive video conference, ca. mid-90s, back when I worked at the railroad.

It taught me one thing vividly: Don’t eat lunch on camera.

Jack Shakely shares his own awakening in the Las Vegas Sun.

The 2-year-old resolutely refused to sit in front of the computer screen and screamed and clawed his way up his mother’s arm like a skittering spider monkey. The 4-year-old was more benign, but after wiping peanut butter and jelly all over the screen and pounding on the computer keyboard, he too lost interest and started wrestling with the dog.

I initially chalked this up to short attention spans until I looked down at the far right corner of my computer screen and saw staring back at me the grimacing death mask of a character out of the cast of “Marat/Sade.” I had Skyped my grandchildren, pulling back the curtain on a bed-headed, stubble-chinned lunatic of a grandfather. Nobody, including me, had any use for this person.

More awakening at the link.


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