Everybody Must Get Fracked 4
I have ridden the train through west Texas several times. Every time I remembered the story of an Englishman trapped on the train with a Texan who kept boasting about the glories of his state, finally winding up with, “Why, you could fit all of lil’ ole England in one tiny corner of Texas!”
As the Englishman looked out the window at the barren, windswept landscape of mesquite and red dirt, he said, “I say, old chap, do the place a world of good, eh, what?”
You ain’t lived until you’ve seen Del Rio.
Via Raw Story.
August 19, 2013 at 1:58 pm
Like an Englishman once said in a dark comedy, “Great compounds and wasteland and I really love your Lee Harvey Oswald Hospital Center in Dallas.” Of course, you can make similar jokes about sections of California.
August 19, 2013 at 3:02 pm
Oil wells in orange groves–one of my vivid memories of my first trip to Cali, that and the Bakersfield ticket agent’s wearing his uniform Amtrak “stormcoat”–the same one I took out when the weather in D. C. dropped under 40–in 65-degree weather because he couldn’t stand the cold.
Are there any orange groves left in Ventura County?
August 19, 2013 at 5:48 pm
Orange trees, just like in Pasadena. Can’t tell you about the groves. The fruit groves and agriculture now tend to be to the north between the San Fernando Valley and Santa Barbara.
August 19, 2013 at 6:49 pm
I suspect that the orange groves–they were clearly commercial–that I saw 30 years ago on the way to Oxnard are now tract homes.