August, 2013 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness in Slaughter, Louisiana.
Marie Smothers was pronounced dead at the scene with a gunshot wound to the head in a mobile home park in Slaughter, Louisiana, the East Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Department said in a statement. Slaughter is about 20 miles north of Baton Rouge.
Gun nuts will no doubt blame the video game, which the story identifies as GTA IV.
The gun was an innocent bystander.
Simple Grilled Vegetables 0
Spending $1.79 for a set of skewers was worth it.
Cook for about 15 or 20 minutes on the grill on lowest setting, turning once or twice to ensure even cooking. If you wish, brush them with an Italian or Balsamic Vinegar dressing while they cook.
We served them with these grilled zucchinis. The combination was so good that the same menu was called for an encore two days later.
Prep time for the entire menu, less than five minutes, plus another five to grate the lemon zest (see the link)
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Accidental politeness?
Never saw a gun go off by itself, for my part.
How To Get Rich Quick, Reprise 0
Find the appropriate marks target audience.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite to the children.
A 2-year-old girl is in critical condition and a 5-year-old girl in critical-stable condition after the shooting Saturday afternoon in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis said.
I trust that the NRA finds the epidemic of politeness gratifying.
Impeachable Offenses 0
PoliticalProf explains:
President Obama’s offense is that he is not supporting the tea party’s political views.
That will simplify the issue for you immensely.
To Java or Not To Java 0
Jamesetta Walker issues a wake up call.
Then again, my liver’s health might actually improve if I drink four cups of coffee a day, according to a Duke University School of Medicine study that percolated simultaneously last week with the South Carolina findings.
More eye-openers at the link.
Intermission: A Moment of Linux Goodness 0
E17 on Slackware –Current with real time Conky status and weather updates and Konsole open to the Conky weather script. Weather script courtesy of Raging Penguin.
The Republican War on Science 0
James Perry wants to know (emphasis added):
Are Americans dumber than they used to be?
The question might better be, Are Republicans dumber than they used to be?
And the answer seems to be — the envelope, please — yes. Yes, they are.
That’s not to say there aren’t plenty of dumb Democrats. Of course there are, but it’s members of the Grand Old Party these days who are regressing by refusing to accept scientific fact.
“It is politically effective, and socially acceptable, to deny scientific fact” today, the professor (Adam Frank, U. Rochester–ed.) says.
When a party embraces promoting dumb as a tactic, what does that say about its goals?
(Don’t answer that. You likely don’t want to know.)
Cooch and the Cuckoos and the Cloaking Device 0
The message clearly stung.
“Some people will do anything for 30 pieces of silver,” Chris LaCivita, a strategist for Cuccinelli, tweeted.
That bid to undermine Marcus’ credibility, the continual smearing of anyone who dares to disagree, is indicative of the general approach taken by Cuccinelli’s primary and general-election campaigns. And it’s counterproductive.
Virginia values an appearance of gentility, even amongst the most decidedly un-genteel.
What distinguised The Regent* from many of his like-minded politicos is that he knew how to behave in public, to create an appearance of reasonableness even as he promoted the unreasonable.
Cooch and the Cuckoos lack the Regent’s cloaking device.
With them, the crazy is always out front.
*Proponent of state-mandated penetration of women with devices, something not quite genteel.