From Pine View Farm

February, 2014 archive

Facebook Frolics 0

Ferrelly, ferrelly, he doth foment frolicking frolickers.


In the Agony Column . . . 0

. . . Arizona seeks help from Dear Abby.


The Only Oscars Show You Need To Watch 0

Who needs to suffer through three plus hours of watching Hollywood masturbate to its own empty-as-a-back-lot-storefront reflection when Jackie can sum up the whole shebang in three minutes?


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another is polite to himself.

Deputies trying to find the person who shot a 15-year-old boy Tuesday in Pine Hills didn’t have to go far: He shot himself by accident, then lied about it, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office said.

More guns does indeed mean more politeness.


The Secesh 0

Still fighting–and lying–after all these years.

Moved below the fold because it autoplays on some systems.

Autoplaying is rude.

Read more »


Drinking Liberally Virginia Beach 0

Fun and fellowship for liberals. Join us and talk about anything in a relaxed atmosphere.

When: Thursday, February 27th, 6 p.

Croc’s 19 Street Bistro
620 19th Street (Map)

More here.


Endless War 0

What Noz said.


The Fifth Freedom: The Freedom To Hate 0

Right-winger about to burn figure named

Via Delaware Liberal, which adds commentary you should read.

Also, Josh Marshall has a wonderful post which deserves a read.



Dean Acheson:

If we learn the art of yielding what must be yielded to the changing present, we can save the best of the past.


Fun with Computers 0

Three computers in one: A VNC connection to Debian Sid running the Fluxbox window manager on a P4 Dell tower overlaying a Virtual Machine of OpenSuse running LXDE on a Mageia 4 computer running E17.

Screen Capture

Click for a larger image.

This is the first time I set up a VNC all by my lonesome. Once I found the right helpful website and punched the correct hole in the server firewall, it was much easier than I had expected.


Peanut Gallery 0

President Obama carrying buckets labeled

Click for a larger image.


Bitcoin Magic 0

Driftglass presents the best explanation I’ve seen yet.


The Secesh 0

Still fighting after all these years.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Gutting out the vote in Ohio.


Facebook Frolics 0

Right in the heart of Springboro.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Black people at lunch counter in Civil Rights protest.  Caption:

Via PoliticalProf.


Predators 0

Stay classy, Virginia Republicans.



Clarence Darrow:

Even if you do learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to?


New Toy 0

I just got the email that my new laptop is ready to be shipped. Extra bonus fact: Microsoft has never been near it. It’s Linux out of the box.

I’m retiring the oldest machine (it’s starting to lag under the demands I place on it, particularly photo editing, as it only has a gig of RAM), putting Mageia on it, and giving it to Second Son, who is currently computerless except for his phone.

Who would have envisioned 20 years ago that a house would have more than one computer? And today I have two on this desk. (KVM switches are your friend.)


Haves and Have-Nots 0

Persons who have health insurance don’t want you to have health insurance.


Dissing the poors. It’s a Republican thing.

From Pine View Farm
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