From Pine View Farm

The Fifth Freedom: Freedom To Hate 2

Picture of burning stake with sign,

It’s a coordinated campaign of calumny; hate sells, and hate is what they got.

Image via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.



  1. George Smith

    February 23, 2014 at 4:18 pm

    Also part of the nullification law strategy. Red States legislatures with GOP governors can pass unconstitutional laws on anything faster than they can be struck down by courts. The people doing this know that. They advocate the exporting of their bills to the like-minded in other states. It encompasses the anti-shariah laws as well. It’s part of the big pot of poison that’s WhiteManistan. They only lose when they overestimate their numbers, as Cuccinelli and The Regent, who I’m betting may go to jail, did in Virginia. What kind of world did the fellow live in where he actually thought resurrecting anti-sodomy law would succeed in any place that wasn’t 100 percent white Christian fundamentalist witch-burner? His circle of acquaintances must be some really interesting people.    

  2. Frank

    February 23, 2014 at 10:58 pm

    When you live in an echo chamber, you begin to believe that the echoes are reality.


    What I find confusing is that they think that stuff like this somehow honors their “God of Love.”  Strange definition of “love.”

From Pine View Farm
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