From Pine View Farm

The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

The strategy is simple.

When you know that the majority of the public won’t vote for you and you know that your supporters are conquests of the “Southern strategy” determined to vote under any circumstance, do everything you can to keep everyone else from voting.

Almost a third of North Carolina’s 100 counties have received permission from the State Board of Elections to reduce early-voting hours heading into the May 6 primary below what last year’s elections overhaul law demanded of them.

The law, pushed through by state Republican leaders, remains a divisive issue with legal challenges as the upcoming primary provides a key test of how new rules will work before the November general election.

It is superfluous to point out the the Republican Party is no longer a political party. I’m not quite sure what it has become, but I think that “subterfuge” comes closest.


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From Pine View Farm
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