Cliven Bundy–Republican Id 0
Edit: This post is over two years old. Links are broken. Stuff happens and life goes on. The post itself stands.
After idolizing Cliven Bundy for a week, the Republican establishment and its propaganda machine (also known as Fox News) is now backing away from him with all indeliberate speed. Just what did he do?
He let the cat out of the bag, and it’s one damned ugly cat.
Cliven Bundy is the voter that Nixon’s odious “southern strategy” was designed to woo and succeeded in wedding to the Republican Party. He’s the fellow down the street with the stars-and-bars decal in the rear window of his pick-up truck; he’s your cousin who is convinced that President Obama was born in Kenya; he’s your co-worker who claims that climate change is a plot by scientists to get research grants; he’s your boss who believes that there is or can be such a thing as “reverse discrimination.”
He is the Republican base.
In Wingnut World, Cliven Bundy’s error was not in what he said. It’s that he said it at all.
Now the Wingnut noise machine is backing away from him because, as the Gloomy Historian explains, to use the catch-phrase of the day, associating with him is “bad optics” (follow the link for the rest):