From Pine View Farm

April, 2014 archive

Facebook Frolics 0

Facebook creates yet another reason to keep the GPS on your cell phone turned off.

Facebook is introducing a mobile feature called Nearby Friends that taps into that steady stream of location information so friends can track each other in real time.

The idea is to make it easy for people to meet up in real life, so they can have conversations in person instead of comment threads, temporarily replacing Likes and LOLs with eye contact and actual laughter. A live meet-up is also an excellent opportunity to grab a selfie with your pal and upload it to the Facebook owned Instagram.

And I thought the idea behind social networking was to avoid having to deal with people face-to-face.


Whatcha wanna bet that the persons using this the most will keep right on bitching about the NSA, even as they run naked through their Facebook “friends”?


Welfare Cowboys 4

Pap and Robert Kennedy, Jr., discuss Mili(tant) the Moocher.

Part 1: The history.

Part 2: The Moocher.


Pap makes an error of fact in Part Two. It was the Philadelphia Police, not the Feds, that tried to bomb the MOVE house. I lived in the Philadelphia suburbs at the time and could see the smoke from my bedroom window. Also, MOVE was a quite an oddball outfit, more apocalyptic cult than anything else,* and extremely annoying to their neighbors, who wanted them to go away.

The Gloomy Historian offers an additional perspective; there’s an excerpt below the fold:

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Lyndon B. Johnson:

If you can convince the lowest white man that he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll even empty his pockets for you.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

What police are calling a hunting accident led to two men being airlifted from Clay County early Thursday morning.

Three men were hunting in a group when two of them were shot by an unknown man, according to Clay County Sheriff Kevin Johnson.

No doubt someone got confused over the difference between wild pig and long pig.


Fox Tails 0


Facebook Frolics 0

General Mills gives a bright “Cheerio!” to its customers.


The Eagle Has Landed 0

Shaun Mullen explains.



Uncle Sam, referring the Kansas hate crime, to Wayne LaPierre:

Via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.


News, Ripped from the Ticker 0


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

A trend?

Jobless claims increased by 2,000 to 304,000 in the week ended April 12 from a revised 302,000 the prior period that was the lowest since September 2007, a Labor Department report showed today in Washington.


The four-week average of claims, a less-volatile measure than the weekly figure, dropped to 312,000, the lowest since October 2007, from 316,750 the week before.

Claims may be in for some bigger swings in coming weeks as the Easter holiday, which varies from year to year, can complicate the adjustment of claims data for seasonal variations.

The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits declined by 11,000 to 2.74 million in the week ended April 5, the fewest since December 2007.


Rape Culture 0

It starts young.



Samuel Johnson:

No estimate is more in danger of erroneous calculations than those by which a man computes the force of his own genius.


Have Cake, Eat It Too 0


The Drug Racket 0

How it works:

Lucentis and Avastin have been shown equally effective in combating age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the elderly. They share a similar molecular make-up and even the same manufacturer.

But the cost per dose is much different: $2,000 versus $50. With a recommended two-year, 24-injection course of treatment, the difference per patient is huge.

Ophthalmologists, who buy the drugs and are then reimbursed for them, used the pricier Lucentis often enough to account for about $1 billion in Medicare spending in 2012, according to recently released data from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Indeed, Lucentis is a key reason ophthalmologists are at the top of the Medicare list.

It’s not as simple as the excerpt, which was excerpted specifically to be eye-catching, implies. Follow the link for the details, then decide whether “racket” is the right word.


American Hustle 0

Follow the money.


We Had a Bit of a Blow Last Night 3

Stop it! That’s “a blow,” not “some blow.” Also, winter seems to be back.

A 751-foot ship ran aground, two others collided and about a dozen other ships were dragging anchor in the lower Chesapeake Bay on Tuesday night.

Picture at the link.


Watch What They Do, Not What They Say 0


Will Bunch: The Party’s Over, It’s Time To Call It a Day 0

Will Bunch thinks the tea party is done. A nugget:

Look, at its core, the base of the Tea Party is the same 20 percent or so of political dead-enders who’ve been around for decades –they were the John Birch Society in the early 1960s, hardhats pummeling hippies in the streets of Manhattan in 1970, the Moral Majority in the 1980s, and so on. Then the Tea Party magically sprung (sic) forth in the winter of 2009, just days after the Jackie Robinson of American politics, Barack Obama (although his batting average is a bit lower) officially integrated the Oval Office.

But while I do think that racial politics — especially the fear that whites will soon be a minority in America — is in the DNA of the Tea Party, I also think something deeper was at play, especially in the halcyon days of 2009 and 2010. The rank and file of the Tea Party was being used, by two-bit entertainers like Glenn Beck and politically by the likes of the Koch Brothers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Man holding sign:  Get a brain, morans.

Teabaggery was a fraud and a scam from the git-go, a made-up Astroturf movement that has turned on its creators by wresting control of the Republican electorate from the Wall Street crowd. It was, as Bunch points out, nothing new; it was the same old crowd of bigots, conspiracy theorists, and right-wing whackjobs that have been the wingnuttiest foot soldiers of the far right extremists for years.

One thing is certain.

They’ll be back. They’ll have a new name and new costumes, but they’ll be back, because haters gotta hate. It gives their sorry empty lives meaning.

And they will still be morans.


Self-Evidence 0

Racists rush to prove that Hank Aaron was right.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Play politely now.

Investigators said a 15-year-old girl had been shot in the left buttock. IMPD said a known male* had shot her while playing with a gun.


*I wonder what exactly “known male” means: what did they know and how did they know it?
