From Pine View Farm

June, 2014 archive

Animal Houses 0

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Pusher Men 0

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World Cup 0

Daniel Ruth scores a goal.


“Always Lower” 0

I don’t shop at Walmart.

I will not patronize an outfit whose business model is exporting jobs and treating employees (and suppliers*) like dirt.

Walmart is always lower.


*I have worked with persons who worked for Walmart suppliers.

They told me that, once their employer got hooked into selling products through Walmart and the contract came up for renewal, Walmart pressured the suppliers to reduce their wholesale prices. When the supplier protested that cost of production could not be reduced further, Walmart offered to school them in exporting production to China.

Not nice people.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

No difference.

Jobless claims fell by 2,000 to a one-month low of 312,000 in the week ended June 21, the Labor Department reported today in Washington.


The four-week average of claims, a less-volatile measure than the weekly figure, rose to 314,250 from 312,250 the week before.

The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits climbed by 12,000 to 2.57 million in the week ended June 14. The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits rose to 2 percent during that period from 1.9 percent, today’s report showed.


Uber Geeks 0

George Smith savages the Uber myth in a Up-Lyfting post revealing the fraud behind the curtain. A nugget (emphasis added):

What’s packaged as disruptive innovation isn’t really that. Uber is just the use of iOS application, the convenience of smartphone and free-lance drivers to evade regulations or costs that others who do the same thing have had to pay.


. . . the basic application is the use of technology to flood a service with under-priced amateurs and part-timers trying to earn some extra money in a crippled economy.

Read the rest.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Party politely.

When officers arrived on scene, 23-year-old Roy Jacob Bryant was found suffering from a shotgun wound. He was taken to Rowan Regional Medical Center, where he succumbed to his injuries a short time later.

Investigators say Bryant and his 22-year-old cousin, Timothy Scott Glover, had been drinking liquor that night, and Glover had been in possession of a shotgun. Further investigation revealed Glover, who authorities say was intoxicated, was “carelessly” handling the shotgun when it discharged, firing a fatal blow into Bryant’s body.

This shows why guns in bars is such a good idea.



George Bernard Shaw:

No public man in these islands ever believes that the Bible means what it says: he is always convinced that it says what he means.


The Galt and the Lamers 0

Steven M. explains how the Rand Design plays out in real life. A nugget:

Randian teabaggers think everything to do with money functions the way it does in the windy pronouncements of their favorite sci-fi novelist. They think every time you add more freedom!, things become more dynamic, and smart upstarts get empowered at the expense of the entrenched. I’m looking at the reality: over here, online-video category killer YouTube, a part of the death star known as Google, is cutting deals with the major music labels and threatening to keep independent labels off YouTube completely, thus depriving them of significant ad revenue. So the monopolistic subsidiary of a monopolistic company is playing favorites with the oligopolistic portions of the music business — which now has three major companies, down from six when I was a lad, after those six bought up the independent labels that had helped make jazz, R&B, and rock into yultural phenomena.

Earth to Randians: this is how capitalism works. This is how money works. Things don’t become sclerotic because of jackbooted government totalitarianism — they become sclerotic because the powerful work hard to keep themselves powerful, at the expense of upstarts.


Droning On, Possible Peeping Perps Dept. 0

No one could have predicted . . . .

A patrolman was summoned to a Seattle high-rise early Sunday morning when a female tenant reported that a drone was hovering outside her window and she was “worried that someone was trying to look in her apartment,” according to a police report.

. . . The building employee told a Seattle Police Department officer that they went outside the building’s main entrance and “observed two males who appeared to be operating the drone. Next to them was a tripod with what appeared to be a video camera.”


Cells Blocked 0

A good ruling.

In a strong defense of digital age privacy, a unanimous Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that police may not generally search the cellphones of people they arrest without first getting search warrants.

Cellphones are powerful devices unlike anything else police may find on someone they arrest, Chief Justice John Roberts said for the court. Because the phones contain so much information, police must get a warrant before looking through them, Roberts said.


Stray Thought 0

A bicycle ride on trash day in the heat of the summer can be an olfactory adventure.


School for Scamdal 0

Below the fold in case it autoplays.

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Close Races 0

One Republican to another at the polling place:  Man, this is hard!  I can't decide which candidate hates Obama more.

Via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.


Drinking Liberally Virginia Beach Tomorrow 0

Fun and fellowship for liberals. Join us and talk about anything in a relaxed atmosphere.

When: Thursday, June 26nd, 6 p.

Croc’s 19 Street Bistro
620 19th Street (Map)

More here.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite amongst your friends.

A southeast Missouri high school student is dead after an accidental shooting in a school parking lot.


The gun was one of two firearms in a truck owned by the grandfather of one of the teens. The sheriff said Robert was shot when one of his friends tried to pass him the gun and it accidentally discharged.

More guns will prevent this from happening to others.



Daniel J. Boorstin:

Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.


A Dixiecrat by Any Other Name . . . 0

F. T. Rea reminds us ignore the labels and watch the deeds. A nugget:

Let’s get real: regardless of their party labels, the truth is it was conservatives who worked to deny voting rights to citizens along ethnic lines in the Jim Crow era, and they‘re still trying to do it today. It was conservatives who opposed Social Security and Medicare when they were instituted. And, today whether they wear labels that say Republican, Tea Party or Libertarian, it’s conservatives who still oppose those programs. It’s still conservatives who scoff at protecting the environment, too.

. . . Labels come and go like other styles, but that wicked sense of entitlement hasn’t changed much.


“World Cupdate” 0


“Use (the) Force” 0

Darth Vader:

Click for a larger image.
