September, 2014 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Penetrating parental politeness:
According to police reports, Bianca Bowers shot Jarvis Douglas on Sunday during a domestic dispute.
The bullet passed through Douglas and then struck Bowers’ 14-month-old daughter.
Never-Ending Story 0
Andrew Bacevich thinks that more Mideast Whack-a-Mole is not the answer. A snippet.
The key point is this: Were the United States and its partners miraculously to succeed tomorrow in destroying the Islamic State and its leader, Abu Bakr Baghdadi, those conditions would still persist. As a consequence, another “Islamic State,” under another banner, inspired by a new leader, would almost certainly appear. And we’ll find ourselves right back where we are today. Indeed, Islamic State is itself a legacy organization, successor to the now defunct al-Qaida in Iraq.
He’s quite right, you know. Causes lead to effects. Fighting effects does not affect the causes.
Dollar Daze 0
Facing South looks at the struggle between Dollar Tree and Dollar General to take over Family Dollar; they point out that, in their labor practices, these outfits nothing other are mini-Walmarts. A snippet.
Sanity Flush 0
The Atlantic’s Citylab site compiles an admittedly-not-exhaustive list of persons who have shot themselves in the john.
“Don’t Mince Words. Tell Me What You Really Think.” 0
Michael Abraham considers the divergent fates of the recent golden boys of Virginia’s Republican Party: Eric Cantor and the Regent:
Do read the rest.
Kindred Spirits 0
Via Job’s Anger.
US Navy Goes Yard-Saling 0
Junkyard seadogs.
How Stuff Works 0
Bob Molinaro, sports writer extraordinaire, explains discipline in big-time football:
Follow the link for the rest.
Everybody Must Get Fracked (Updated) 0
And this surprises you how?
“People’s water has been harmed by drilling,” said Robert B. Jackson, professor of environmental and earth sciences at Stanford and Duke. “In Texas, we even saw two homes go from clean to contaminated after our sampling began.”
“Gas well integrity problems” is fancy talk for slap-dash shoddy we-don’t-care-screw-the-people make-my-pile-and-get-out-of-here behavior. It’s the Buccaneer Petroleum way.
Addendum, Distinction without a Difference Dept.
Proponents of fracking are trying to spin this to mean that fracking’s okay because it’s all the wells’ fault, saying, in effect, that fracking didn’t set your water on fire, that nasty fracking well set your water on fire.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite in the playpen.
Police said in that time, a three-year-old boy found a loaded .22-caliber handgun and accidentally shot himself with it.
Officers said the boy did not survive his injuries.
War and Mongers of War 0
Steven M. notes that John McCain seems to want to bomb everyone.