From Pine View Farm

October, 2014 archive

Pharmaceuticals 0

I need some of this stuff for my email inbox. If I get one more email with the subject line, “Please, Frank, I’m begging you,” I shall go mad(der).

“For political junkies who find themselves addicted to the endless death march of campaign marketing, all hope is not lost. You have come under the spell of Koch-o-miasis, or perhaps an equally virulent strain of Steyerelia, which was unleashed into the public by billions of dollars in tainted, often secret unaccounted for campaign contributions. Have you considered turning to Spamtix?

“Tell-tale signs you need immediate treatment include a gullible belief that the advertising depicting candidates as the walking dead is true. Other symptoms include a compulsive desire to DVR campaign advertising so it can be watched again and again, an insatiable urge to appear in a commercial as a willing shill for a candidate and a barely repressed yearning to stalk Sean Hannity.”

More miracle cures at the link.


Men Are Pigs 0

Boys are piglets.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” (Updated) 0

Teach the young to be polite.

A student opened fire in the cafeteria of Marysville Pilchuck High School late Friday morning, killing another student and wounding four others before killing himself.

Addendum, a Little Bit Later:

In more news of the polite . . .


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0




J. Robert Oppenheimer:

No man should escape our universities without knowing how little he knows.


Dustbiters 0

One less bank:

Another one bit the dust last week and I missed it:


Equal Access 0

Caption:  In a democracy, we all have equal access to our elected representative.  Pictured:  Email from a constituent, letter from a constituent, postcard from a constiuent, $500,000 check from the Koch Brothers.

Via Kos.


Fear and Mongers of Fear 0

Yves Smith asks a question:

Let’s start by looking at the maps resulting from studies of well-being that identify the states where people are not at all well-off, such as the 2013 survey done by Gallup Healthways, available here. Those poor states are the reddest of the red belt in Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida and elsewhere across the Deep South–places where I grew up in a decidedly Republican household that bought the GOP economic fallacies hook, line and sinker, and places where today’s populations are worse off in terms of the various measures of economic well-being and happiness than the more progressive northeast and west.

Isn’t it likely that the anti-government, low-tax and pro-wealthy/pro-big business policies of the GOP politicos that have run these states for several decades have something to do with these negative results, and that the more progressive policies in the northeast and northwest are reflected in the much more positive results in those areas?

Yet rural, southern populations continue to proudly proclaim their allegiance, against their own economic interest, to ill-fated Reaganomics that favors tax cuts (for the wealthy and big business) coupled with use of old-time, regressive consumption taxes (toll roads, sales taxes and property taxes), privatization of public functions (e.g., charter schools managed by for-profit, nontransparent corporations), socialization of losses, militarization, and de-regulation.

The answer is simple: That’s what the hatin’ is all about.

As Lyndon Johnson once said,

If you can convince the lowest white man that he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll even empty his pockets for you.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Suprme Court telling voter she can't vote.  In the background, one Republican says to anotther:

Via Juanita Jean.


Spill Here, Spill Now 0


Fetid Swampwater 0

Dick Polman on the recent belated conviction of a few of Blackwater’s mercs:

What a perfect metaphor for the Bush occupation, which reaped the whirlwind we’re experiencing today. First he staged a needless invasion; then, when it became clear that he needed way more troops than his neoconservative dreamers envisioned, he hired scads of private contractors (Blackwater being a prime beneficiary) to fill the breach. Blackwater CEO Erik Prince hailed from a well-connected, politically-wired Republican family. Before Bush took office, his firm had garnered less than $1 million in federal contracts; after Bush took office, his firm tallied more than $1 billion.

As Polman points out, there’s a lot more guilt to go around.


All Hallows’ Eve Approacheth . . . 0

. . . and there be monsters.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

A clean society is a polite society:

Atlantic Medivac and local authorities were sent to 803 Cedar Street shortly before 7:30 p.m. Upon arrival, authorities discovered 26-year-old Jarred Johnson of Kimballton with a gunshot wound in the lower left leg. An investigation determined Johnson was cleaning his weapon when it accidentally discharged.



Marguerite de Valois:

The more hidden the venom, the more dangerous it is.


I Am So Over Football 2

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

I will never watch another football game again once more another time all over again.

Like Crabby Appleton, the game and everyone associated with it are rotten to the core.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


Spill Here, Spill Now, Lie about It 0


Twits on Twitter 0

Who woulda thunk you can’t believe what twits twit?


Chartering a Course for Disaster 0


A Picture Is Worth 0

Chris Christie:

Click for a larger image.
