November, 2014 archive
Naked Is the Best No Disguise
Psychology Today investigates the subtle dehumanizations of the surveillance society. Give it a read. Here’s a bit:
If people treat us differently based on what they have discovered online, if the volume of data available about us eradicates our ability to make a first impression on a date or a job interview, the result, Brown believes, is reduced trust, increased conformity, and even diminished civic participation. The impact can be especially powerful when we know that our information was collected and shared without our consent.
To be sure, we are responsible for much of this. We’re active participants in creating our surveillance record.
Then think twice before you decide to run naked through Facebook and G+.
Easy Money, Reprise 0
There ain’t no such thing, at least, not through honesty. Will Bunch:
That’s why it’s kind of nauseating to see Philadelphia take one more compulsive step down this pathway of failure. Casinos are “economic development” in the same sense that Taco Bell is “dinner.”
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness, with malice towards none:
A 15-year-old was killed Sunday by an accidental in Mesa County.
The County Sheriff’s Office says they don’t believe there was any malicious intent behind the shooting that killed Brandon Crawford.
War Takes a Holiday 0
Werner Herzog’s Bear wonders why those so quick to gin up a nonexistent “war on Christmas” haven’t noticed the real war on Thanksgiving. A snippet:
Oh, Shenandoah 0
RIP, Valley of Virginia.
The much-anticipated decision represents in effect a compromise between people who feared fracking would harm the 1.1 million acre forest and industry representatives who said the process can be done safely.
Flag Daze 0
Bruce Maiman, writing at the Sacramento Bee, considers the case of some kids who were punished for omitting the phrase “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. After reminding readers that the punishments were prima facie illegal, he reminds us that things are not always what think they are, including the Pledge:
“The United States of America” was added in 1923, then the words “under God” in 1954 – which Bellamy’s family descendants strongly protested. But our lawmakers decided this would somehow be a fantastic response to the perceived threat of those godless commies in Soviet Russia.
Typical, isn’t it? What many believe was about religion and patriotism was really about three dubious American obsessions: money, politics and the empty symbolic gesture.
Chartering a Course for Disaster 0
John Romano notes that the new buzz word in the effort to destroy public education seems to be “customization,” something that apparently applies only to private schools. A nugget:
So here’s my question:
What about customization in traditional public schools?
If parents have concerns about Common Core-inspired standards, shouldn’t they be able to request an alternative curriculum? If parents feel their children are not ready for cookie-cutter standardized tests, shouldn’t they be able to opt out? The short answer:
This has nothing to do with children and everything to do with “privatizing” the public’s money.
Reading My Mind 0
John Cole puts words to my inchoate feelings of earlier today.
The white power structure in Missouri wants themselves a riot in Ferguson so as to justify their racism.
It’s an effect–>cause thing.
I used “inchoate” correctly in a blog post.
Empty Suits 0
Stefanovic, who co-presents Channel Nine’s Today show with Lisa Wilkinson, has been wearing the same blue suit – day in, day out, except for a few trips to the dry cleaner – to make a point about the ways in which his female colleagues are judged. “No one has noticed,” he said.
Early in my working career, I carpooled with the secretary of my company’s controller. This was just a little after the Mad Men era: bosses still had secretaries who typed memos, did filing, and controlled their schedules, and no boss would lower himself (they were all hims) to do his own typing.
This particular boss was a jerk, and not just to his employees. He was an all-around jerk, a utility infielder of a jerk, someone who could be competently jerky regardless of the position he played.
His secretary’s duties included taking care of his dry-cleaning, for Pete’s sake. She therefore knew of what she spoke when she told the carpool that he wore a different suit every day, but you would never know it because all his suits were identical bespoke muted blue pinstripes.
The Sausage Factory 0
Dick Polman discusses packaging and politics and Republican pearl-clutching about the political process is–gasp!–somehow political. A snippet:
But let’s stick with health care, because Obamacare haters don’t seem to remember what happened in 2003, when Republicans expanded Medicare to include drug prescriptions for seniors. Same kind of gamesmanship.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Self-politeness is the politest kind.
To my two or three regular readers: I know this gets old. So too does the mix of ammosexuality, guns, and stupid.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Parked for politeness:
The boy and his sister were waiting in the vehicle, outside an auto repair shop, when he found the gun and it went off, police tell NBC10. The father was inside the shop. The mother had just dropped the children off.
Republican Jesus 1
Via Job’s Anger.
Droning On 0
It would appear that “drone” is becoming a generic term for “radio-controlled aircraft.” Some yo-yo in Florida (yeah, I know, oxymoron) lost control of his little helicopter.
Lake County Assistant Fire Chief Jack Fillman said the woman suffered cuts from the drone’s spinning propellers, but did not suffer serious injuries.
I’m fine with that. The more bad publicity those things get, the better.
Also, get off my lawn.