2014 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Sojourn politely.
The man was reportedly putting his gun away for the night when he accidently fired the gun, and the bullet struck him in the leg, police said.
At least the reporter recognized that the gun didn’t go off on its ownsome.
The Entitlement Society 0
The Regent plays his
white male Republican Get Out of Jail Free card.
After all, accountability is for those people, if you know what I mean.
One of my neighbors said to me the other day, “My old neighborhood was getting dark, if you know what I mean.” I knew.
Cultural Wasteland 0
Apparently, “shrug” is the new “talk to the hand.”
An essential “parenting” (man, I loathe that 80s neologism) skill is not sweating the small stuff.
Catch-22 0
It’s the best catch there is.
The Colorbind Society 0
Writing at the Bangor Daily News, Sociology Professor Michael Rocque explains that, despite the denials you hear, of course it’s about race. A nugget.
Chattel slavery, justified by a mythology of racism, is America’s original sin. As with any sin, denying it does not make it go away.
Do follow the link. Granted, the man needs an editor, but what he says needs hearing.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Do you holiday shotting politely.
Officers at the scene did not release the man’s name, but said his injury was not life threatening.
The day before, a 24-year-old man accidentally shot himself–also in the leg, and also while he was sitting in his vehicle–in the parking lot of Valley Hills Mall, which is adjacent to the Academy Sports parking lot.
The man was attempting to put his 45mm handgun on safety when it went off and hit an artery in his leg, causing life-threatening blood loss.
“On safety.” Right.
The Entitlement Society 0
Honest to Pete, you can’t make this stuff up
When she grows up, she will likely be a Wall Street Banker.
A Two-Track System 0
In the Roanoke Times, the Rev. Kirk A. Ballin, retired Unitarian minister, looks at American history and sees what most Americans deny through silence and a few would defend through arms:
The other track of U.S. history, however, stands in stark and disturbing contrast to the idealism of the one rooted in freedom, equity and justice. This other track of U.S. history is rooted in oppression, exploitation, persecution, enslavement and murder.
It is history marked by the violent, exploitive (sic) and dehumanizing treatment of groups of people who were different from the white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant establishment of the early United States.
Once More Uber the Top Boys! 0
Uber alienates another fan. Thanh Tan, columnist for the Seattle Times, joins the ranks of the fed up.
Even worse, Uber has morphed into the guy who won’t take no for an answer; the man who believes he is entitled to the entire cake.
I wonder, is it possible for an entire company to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
The Fee Hand of the Market . . . 0
. . . meets All the News that Fits.
Chartering a Course for Disaster 0
Once the con is in the can, who gets the leftovers?
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Guided to politeness:
As the 24-year-old Richards entered a small grove of trees to flush out some pheasants, a 12-year-old hunter fired a shotgun at a pheasant from the opposite side.
The injuries were not life-threatening.
Whatchawanna bet that, had that 12-year-old “hunter” been a 12-year-old black kid with a toy gun in Walmart, he’d be dead by now.
The distance from “hunter” to “hunted”–that’s white privilege in a nutshell.