January, 2015 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite to your partner.
If only the husband had been packing, he could have returned fire to protect himself.
Via TPM.
The NRA and its gun nut followers thrive in a world of fear.
“Shoot first and ask questions later” is a policy not embraced by persons in possession of their faculties; it is, nevertheless, the NRA way.
These people are nuts, and cowardly nuts at that. They would slay an unknown before they face it.
Chris-Crossed 0
Werner Herzog’s Bear explains the hustle. A snippet:
Say what you want about the man, like most hustlers he’s not stupid.
If a Tree Falls Bomb Explodes in the Forest City . . .
. . . and no one talks about it, did it happen?
It Doesn’t Add Up 0
Jonathan Chait explains why the Republican Party wants to subvert mathematics.
Follow the link to see how he parses the equation.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Something for Nothing 0
For example, David Brooks gets a paycheck.
Birds of a Feather 0
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.
Man’s Best Friend: the Retaliation 0
Grinch 0
Really, the random pointlessness is dismaying.
Priorities 0
The headline in the print edition of my local rag differs from the online version.
The print headline says,
The Goal: Curb rising college fees.
The Risk: Big cuts for some sports.
Get real. The purpose of college is to entertain beer-guzzling couch potatoes and give ESPN a vehicle for ads.
Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0
Still under 300k.
The four-week average of claims, a less-volatile measure than the weekly figure, declined to 290,500 from 290,750 the week before.
The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits climbed by 101,000 to 2.45 million in the week ended Dec. 27. The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits held at 1.8 percent. These data are reported with a one-week lag.
In other news, Bloomberg’s experts were on target. I think I’ll run out and buy that lottery ticket . . . .
Facebook Frolics 4
The Zuckerborg plus a selfie equals a rescue.
You still won’t find me logged into the Zuckerborg.