From Pine View Farm

January, 2015 archive

Out of the Frying Pan . . . . 0

Who woulda thunk? Corporate hijinks in the used grease industry:

A narrative in the Court of Appeals ruling paints an ugly picture.

It says Valley Proteins made exclusive contracts with restaurants to take their old cooking oil and left 300-gallon collection containers on their sites. Valley employees stopped by every few weeks to collect the grease.

Several years ago, Valley noticed its grease containers were being stolen, says the ruling written by Appeals Court Judge Robert C. Hunter. The lawsuit says at least 28 containers, worth $500 each, were taken.

The company also began receiving letters “from unknown sources” saying that Valley Proteins’ customers were switching vendors and Valley had five or 10 days to collect its containers, a Valley employee testified at a deposition. But by the time Valley got the letters, the five or 10 days typically were expired, the employee said.

Then, again, why should we expect used grease dealers to be any more honest than banksters?


Facebook Frolics 0

Lies and lying liars.


All That Was Old Is New Again 0

Rick Stevens remembers le ancien regime.

Follow the link to find out why.

One serf to another as they slave before the castle:  Stop your bitching.  Don't you understand?  Thet are job creators.'

Cartoon via Job’s Anger.


“Merchants of Death,” or “How To Get Nothing for Something” 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness is a “sound” decision.

According to the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, the victim was shot while walking through a cutover after being mistaken for game. The shooter, a 51-year-old Richmond man, was a guest of the hunting club and was walking alongside the cutover with two members when he heard the sound of breaking limbs adjacent to his location. He then positioned himself in front of the sound, raised his shotgun and fired once after seeing movement. His shot struck the victim in his left and right leg from a distance of roughly 49 feet.

When my brother lived in Vermont 30 years ago, his boss stopped hunting after he heard some out of town hunters talking in a bar. One said, “Did you bag anything?”

The other replied, “No, but I got off some sound shots.”

When the boss realized that “sound shot” meant shooting in the direction of a noise without knowing what made the noise, he decided that hunting was no longer worth the risk.



Henry Steele Commager:

Freedom is not a luxury that we can indulge in when at last we have security and prosperity and enlightenment; it is, rather, antecedent to all of these, for without it we can have neither security nor prosperity nor enlightenment.


All the News that Fits 0

Tommy Christopher covers the news coverage.


Open for Business in NC 0

Republican Party tarted up like streetwalker willing to sell out the environment to the oil industry


Stray Question 0

The factors of “9” are “factorials.” Are the factors of “4” “tutorials”?

Read more »


Instead of Evidence* 0

Image:  Stock market up, gas prices down, unemployment down, available health care, troops coming home.  Republican:

Via Job’s Anger.


*Title shamelessly stolen from Rex Stout.


A Fresh Litter 0

You can’t make this stuff up.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite. Help with the household chores.

Jack Bingham, 62, of 29000 Lyona Boulevard, was helping his wife pick up items that fell on the floor when a .44 magnum revolver he was carrying in a shoulder holster fell out of the holster, onto the floor and discharged, striking Bingham in the head, according to Pennsylvania State Police.

At least this bozo didn’t shoot his wife, like Thursday’s bozo.

Now, about those intelligence tests of gun licen–oh, never mind.



Jessica Mitford:

You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty.


She’ll Never Make It on Fox News 0

Blond lady crying,

Via C&L.


The Year in Rebuke v. 2.0.1 0

Shaun Mullen.

Just read it.


Chartering a Course for Disaster (and Other Bad Trips) 0

Thoreau looks at charter schools and other educational “reform” movements. He is not impressed.

Here’s a bit:

Everybody is hoping for a magic formula in education, from preschool to the highest levels of graduate study. They want something that will solve hard problems, problems as old as human nature, and solve them cheaply. They want a solution that can be passed on to masses of instructors who have been through the right training, and they want the training to be fast enough and scalable enough that the skilled instructors can be made in mass quantities and thus rendered cheap through the laws of supply and demand (which are as old and inviolable as the rule that all magic comes at a price). And, of course, they want the magic formula to be something that they can brand and patent and profit from as they teach the teachers. People with money and power are prepared to reward charlatans, but they will banish from their sight anyone who tells them that this is hard and is not subject to mass production.

Read the whole thing. It will be two minutes well spent.


Nixon’s Legacy: The Triumph of the Southern Strategy 0

Picture of Klansman carrying bullwhip in front of Capitol.  Voice from the House side says,

Via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.


The Galt and the Lamers 0

Cavett emptor.

Remember, a Libertarian is a Republican who is ashamed to admit it.


Once More Uber the Top, Boys 0

The TechBros at Uber step in it again.

They do seem a charming lot, do they not?


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Celebrate politely.

A woman allegedly accidentally shot by her boyfriend during a New Year’s Eve celebration in Sacramento County has died of her injuries, according to Sacramento County sheriff’s officials.


Through the night, detectives investigated the incident, which sheriff’s department spokeswoman Sgt. Lisa Bowman described as a celebratory act that resulted in an accidental shooting of the young woman.

In a startling development, this gun apparently did not go off on its ownsome. The boyfriend is in the jailed charged with “negligent discharge of a firearm.”
