From Pine View Farm

January, 2015 archive


James Otis:

It is a clear truth that those who every day barter away other men’s liberty will soon care little for their own.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

What better time to demonstrate your allegiance to the Secesh than Martin Luther King’s birthday?


Suffer the Children 0

Bankruptcy of the pocketbook, meet bankruptcy of the spirit.

In declaring bankruptcy, the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis joins about a dozen others nationwide that have done the same.

Often, the filings have come on the eve of a trial. In Portland, the archdiocese filed for bankruptcy before jury selection for a negligence trial. In San Diego, the filing came hours before the start of the first of more than 40 sexual abuse lawsuits.

Here, the bankruptcy filing freezes more than 20 lawsuits against the church, as well as three abuse trials scheduled to begin Jan. 26. And with more than a year before the window closes on the Minnesota Child Victims Act, which lifted the civil statute of limitations for child abuse cases, more cases could emerge.


Twits on Twitter 0

Now Playing: Attack of the Stupid, starring Will Wheaton.

It’s must-read four star production.

Via the Professional Left.


Seed(y) Money 0

Tourists in Washington, D. C., watching rich man poor piles of money into Captiol

Via Jobs Anger.


In Case You Have Forgotten Choose Not To Remember . . . 0

. . . read this.

Yes. That is what it was like, and that is what some persons consider the “Good Old Days.”

Via PoliticalProf.


The Galt and the Lamers 0

Steven M.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Rear your children politely (emphasis added).

The Dallas Morning News reported that 53-year-old Steven Johnson had taken out his gun at his home in Colleyville to show it to visitors.

According to Colleyville city spokesperson Mona Gandy, the gun discharged and Johnson’s 10-year-old daughter was struck by a bullet that went through a wall of the home.

The wording of the story indicates that this was yet another gun that fired itself. Nevertheless, for some fool reason, the person who was holding it at the time has been arrested. . . .

Words and how they are used matter, folks.


Ignorance Is No Excus–Oh! Wait! 0

This is what a blank check looks like.



William Powell:

I highly recommend worrying. It is much more effective than dieting.


Hollow Honor 0

Politicians love to talk up the “heroes”* in our military, to pontificate on Veterans Day, to pose on the parade grounds, until it comes time to care for soldiers and sailors and their progeny.

Then, all bets are off.


In politician-speech, all soldiers and sailors are “heroes,” whether or not they have done something heroic. Calling them “heroes” beats giving them decent paychecks, funding the Veterans Administration, or giving a damn about them when they come home.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Demonstrate politeness to your public officials.

The Secret Service says multiple gunshots were fired from a vehicle near the Delaware home of Vice President Joe Biden on Saturday night.

The vice president and his wife were not at home at the time.

The Secret Service says the shots were fired at around 8:25 p.m. on a public road outside the secure perimeter near the home in Greenville, Delaware.

At this point, it remains unclear whether this was sedition, stupid, or a confluence of the two.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Don Wycliffe.


Skule Daze 0

Protesters with signs:

I haven’t paid much attention to the “free community college” proposal because I knew it was a non-starter out of the box, though it might be a laudable goal.

Frankly, a more laudable goal would be ending the student loan scam and the charter school/testing scams.

Reducing the amount of money that real universities waste on big-time sports might also be a good idea.

Via Job’s Anger.



Waylon Jennings:

I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane.


Apocalypse Now, Wingnut Dept. 0

Jonathan Chait examines the history of Republicans’ frequent boouts with the vapors and finds historical precedent. He uses a New York Times op-ed by Karl Rove operative Peter Wehner as a springboard. Here’s a bit:

This apocalyptic strain has regularly infused conservative rhetoric. Milton Friedman compared John F. Kennedy’s program to fascism. Ronald Reagan warned that, if Medicare passed, the government would inevitably force doctors to live in cities where they did not want to, and future generations would no longer know “what it once was like in America when men were free.” (Conservatives continue to tout that speech today, as if it had proven prescient rather than deranged.)

Wehner proceeds to assert that conservatism “isn’t a rigid ideology, it leaves itself open to self-examination and self-correction. Authentic conservatism has a high regard for things empirical, for facts that can lead us to better apprehend the truth.” This is also pretty much the opposite of actual American conservatism.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

A happy family polites together.

Lincoln said the girl’s father told detectives the girl was helping him and his 6-year-old daughter clean the family’s home on County Road 3451 in Flora Vista on Friday afternoon. The 6-year-old sister picked up a rifle in the room and pulled the trigger, Lincoln said, striking the 8-year-old girl once in the neck.


Facebook Frolics 0

Your tax dollars at work.


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0


It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who You Know 0

Six former Virginia attorneys general — four of them Democrats — are asking the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for permission to file a brief supporting former Gov. Bob McDonnell’s request for release pending the outcome of his appeal.

One more time:

Had he been done for shoplifting a package of Cheetos from a Cumberland Farms, he’d be wearing orange and living in solitary and never heard from again. All he did was sell out the pubic trust for a Rolex and a ride in a Ferrari, not at all comparable to lifting a bag of Cheetos, but he’s white, wears nice suits, has a square jaw, and looks good in meetings.

Also, no doubt, he has “suffered enough“(tm).

To quote the likely apochryphal words of the Emperor Augustine,

Words fail me. Nothing I could say could express the depth of my feelings on this matter.
