January, 2015 archive
Doing the Same Thing Harder 0
Surveillance did not prevent the Charlie Hedbo attack, so, natch, the governments want more surveillance. China Hand comments:
Trouble is, attacks keep happening, and the only solution they can propose is “We’ll find that needle by piling more hay on the stack.”
Much more at the link.
One the One Hand, on the Other Hand 2
The Las Vegas Sun website currently has two articles expressing some reservations about the outpouring of support for Charlie Hebdo.
One expresses some reasoned and rational concerns. The other is by David Brooks fancy words in randomly arranged.
Whitewashing Terrorism 0
Chauncey Devega and Mike discuss, “When is terrorism not terrorism?”
Read Devega’s post-interview comments.
It’s Slammer Time 0
Of course, had he shoplifted a six from a 7-11, he would have been locked up long ago. All he did was sell the public trust for a Rolex.
No doubt further appeals are in the offing, as he’s white, Republican, and wears nice suits.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Pal around politely.
According to the report, they didn’t know the gun was loaded. The story left out the bit about being too stupid to check.
Welcome to the Machine 0
A new mother, a doctor no less, describes her experience as a patient in the Medical-Industrial Complex.
Do read it.
Linux Voice 0
When the writers created Linux Voice, they promised that, nine months after an issue was published, they would make that issue available under a CC-SA license and they’ve kept that promise.
You can download Linux Voice Issue One and Issue Two at no charge.
Full Disclosure:
I contributed to the LV Indiegogo campaign to found the magazine and am a subscriber. I contributed in appreciation of their fine podcast and continued my subscription because it’s an excellent magazine.
It’s the first computer mag I’ve subscribed to since PCMag went online only about 15 years ago. It’s worth it if only for the tutorials.
Heck, it was worth it for their vim tutorial alone, which is on page 106 of Issue One. There are oodles of tutorials for vim on the inner webs, but this was the first one I have seen that I found at all intelligible.
“Vanity of Vanities, All Is Vanity” 0
Dick Polman considers the rivalry of Mitt the Flip and Jeb “the Oh Please God Not Another” Bush:
Just read it.