February, 2015 archive
A Little Off the Top 0
This has to be one of the more bizarre brouhahas in baseball:
U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall ruled that the “vague possibility” that installing the signs could affect rooftop businesses wasn’t enough to grant a temporary restraining order. The ruling means the Cubs will avoid a setback as they renovate the historic ballpark.
In Pursuit of Ignorance 0
The start of Bob Cesca’s headline pretty much sums it up:
Republicans in Oklahoma Seek to Replace History Classes with GOP Speeches . . . .
The why is simple. Republicanism is counter-factual, so Republicans fear encountering facts.
Details at the link.
Dogging It 0
I’m so old that I can remember when a dog was just a dog.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
The polite do not discriminate. A target is a target.
Christian H. Smith, 48, of Phelps, and Glenn R. Gosson, 47, of Fairport, accidentally shot the horses while coyote hunting on a property on Moore Road in the town of West Sparta on Jan. 24, according to the state Department of Environmental Conservation.
Because horses and coyotes are hard to distinguish when viewed through a gun sight . . . .
Signs of the Times 0
Steven M. savages wingnuts’ compulsion to hurl feces at those with whom they differ.
Theatre of the Absurdities 0
Shaun Mullen reviews the show. A snippet:
Read the rest. It’s worth it.
John Nuntsman, Jr.:
If we can’t find cuts in the defense budget, we’re not looking carefully enough.
Twits on Twitter 0
Yet another racist twit.
No Huddled Masses Need Apply 0
Jim Wright looks at the current kerfuffle over immigration and pulls no punches. Here’s a bit of one of his typically long and scathing posts (emphasis added):
Republicans say the government is broken, and they’re going to keep on breaking it until they’re proven right.
Read the whole thing.
None Dare Call It Terrorism 0
In the Charlotte Observer, Glenda Gilmore, an ex-pat North Carolinian now living in Connecticut, comments on the case of Craig Hicks, who killed three Muslim students for reasons that remain unclear.* A snippet:
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
The polite are always loaded.
Now, about those IQ tests for gun ownersh–oh, never mind.
I have cleaned many guns in my time; the raw unvarnished stupidity of cleaning a loaded gun leaves me flat speechless.