March, 2015 archive
TSA Security Theatre 0
Honest to Pete, couldn’t they see that this was dripping in racism?
Words fail me.
The Blame Game 0
Steven M. is keeping score.
Louis Black: It’s 1956 All Over Again Once More 0
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Filial courtesy is de rigeur.
Before killing himself, the 13-year-old also shot and wounded his 16-year-old brother, Nocco said. The 16-year-old called authorities at 6:19 p.m. and was transported from his Hudson home to a hospital with a gunshot wound that is not considered life-threatening.
NRA paradise is just around the corner.
Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0
Somewhat better.
The four-week moving average, a less volatile measure than the weekly numbers, declined to 297,000 last week, from 304,750. . . .
The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits dropped by 6,000 to 2.42 million in the week ended March 14. The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits held at 1.8 percent, where it’s been all year. These data are reported with a one-week lag.
The Republican Party has not yet revealed its plans for reversing this trend. Oh, I forgot.
Visions Delusions of the Fall Foul
It seems that one of the constructs of the racist right way is something called “white genocide,” which, as near as I can figure out, means not getting their racist right-wing way and therefore not returning, if not to slavery, at least to Jim Crow.
Don’t believe me? Listen to the audio at the link.
Xed-Files 0
I didn’t watch the X-Files the first time around and intend to maintain that record.
A. Both Sides Now 0
Q. What side of his mouth does Ted Cruz talk out of?
Dick Polman explains, as he takes sardonic delight in Ted Cruz’s signing up for healthcare under the Affordable Care Act. A snippet.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Yet another polite playtime . . . .
Witnesses told police they believed the gun was unloaded when the boyfriend was holding it, Bay said. Witnesses say the gun accidentally discharged, striking Martinez.
. . . and yet another passel of gun nuts unable to tell whether their toy is loaded.