April, 2015 archive
Drinking Liberally Virginia Beach Tomorrow 0
Fun and fellowship for liberals. Show up and talk about anything in a relaxed atmosphere.
When: Thursday, April 9th, 6 p.
Croc’s 19 Street Bistro
620 19th Street (Map)
More here.
Just Let Them Eat That Cake 0
Leonard Pitts, Jr., suggests that one skirmish in the culture wars is all but over. A snippet:
The very parameters of the debate have shifted dramatically to the dreaded left. Positions the GOP took proudly just 20 years ago now seem prehistoric and its motivations for doing so, threadbare. This is not about morality, the Constitution or faith. It never was.
In a related item, a letter-writer to the Miami Herald suggests, “Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.”
Rand Gestures 0
The consensus–hell, it’s more than a consensus, it’s a unity–is that Rand Paul hasn’t a hope of the Republican nomination, let alone the Presidency. Why is he running?
I suggest that it’s all about the merch.
Just Good Clean Fraternal Fun 0
It’s not the beer; it’s the brotherhood.
They got pulled over for expired tags and their fortunes went downhill from there.
Follow the link for the inventory of their cargo. I’ve been to bars that keep less stock on hand.
(On second thought, it’s the beer.)
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
NRA Paradise is a hit on the highway.
Wojciula allegedly pulled up beside her aggressively in a silver car and pointed a gun at her. She said he unbuckled his seat belt, cocked the gun and motioned to her to pull over. He was not able to follow her after he was caught in traffic.
The driver shouted to her passenger “he has a gun” and managed to take a cell phone picture of the car and the license plate.
Facebook Frolics 0
Nobody believes in your cause? Advertize for protestors on Facebook!
Facebook Frolics 0
News as status updates.
Facebook already manipulates applies algorithms to decide what items you should see on your “timeline.” Now they will filter the news for you, too?
War and Mongers of War (Updated) 0
(I found a better embed and replaced the first one, which was up for only about five minutes.)
Addendum, Early that Afternoon:
Noz looks behind the bluster:
Greek Myths 0
I predict that this will not work out as the plaintiffs hope. Once you open Pandora’s box, you cannot close it again; when discovery starts, all bets are off.
In related news, Rutgers (when I was in college, we knew it as “Rotgut,” but that was a long time ago–misty water-colored memories and all that) bans frat and sorority parties, because of frats and sororities.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
More polite play:
The boys’ mother tells KETV-TV (http://bit.ly/1JgITzj ) a makeshift bullet that discharged from a homemade musket sliced through a plastic sled the young boy was using as a shield. She says the incident was accidental.
According to the story linked at the link, the mother says that the kids had been playing with this toy the previous evening and it had not fired. She is certain that there was no intent, that, indeed, it was an accident.
Given that shooting yourself with a gun in a church can be considered accidental, I wonder what elevates this to a felony?
Pretzel Logic and Free Speech 0
In The American Scholar, Lincoln Kaplan makes the case that the current Supreme Court’s interpretation of “freedom of speech” is inimical to freedom. Here’s a bit; read the rest.
The Voter Fraud Fraud 0
Shaun Mullen thinks he may have uncovered that rarest of the rare things, an actual case of voter fraud.
This was likely nothing more than a mistake. Then, again, it could be part of a campaign to make his brother look like “the smart one.”
The One That Got Away 0
Turnabout is fair play.
The man was pulled into the water for about 15 seconds, Swanson said, and was brought to a hospital where he was treated for cuts on his arm and hand.