April, 2015 archive
Droning On 0
Noah Feldman explores the myth of the surgical strike as regards robotic death raining from the sky. A snippet:
Do read the rest.
“Just the Facts, Ma’am” 1
Leonard Pitts, Jr., tries to figure out when a fact becomes a non-fact. A snippet:
Actually, it is not a fact, but let that slide. We’re not here to renew the tired debate over Barack Obama’s religion. No, we’re only here to lament that so many of us seem to know “facts” that aren’t and that one party — guess which — has cynically nurtured, used and manipulated this ignorance for political gain.
“Patrol’ll Get You” 0
One of my great uncles, after his retirement, compiled several slim volumes of forgotten lore, mostly tales, legends, and memories of the pre-war South. I should still have my copies in a box somewhere, they are not the sort of objects I would throw out or donate. I’m too lazy to look for them today.
A line one of the children’s songs that he included in one of the books has stuck in my mind since I first read it, back in the olden days, when I was a young ‘un. It’s the only bit of the song that I remember:
Run, N****r, run! Patrol’ll get you.
Video via Raw Story.
All the News that Fits 0
Will Bunch reviews the Revenge of the Pseudo-Nerds.
Driven to with Distraction
Believe it or not, I’ve seen worse.
You Otter Be in Pictures 0
My brother spotted some otters feeding on eels near his place in Virginia’s Northern Neck.
Holy Security Theatre, Batman! 0
Your security farces at work:
Three batarangs, those roughly bat-shaped throwing weapons used by Batman.
What’s in a Name 0
China Hand points out that words may not mean what we think they mean:
Follow the link to see why he says this.