From Pine View Farm

April, 2015 archive

Beaver Power 0

AKA, revenge of the rodents.

A tree felled by a beaver was cited as the cause of a power outage that impacted about 2,900 Aroostook County customers of Emera Maine Monday night.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Drive with courtesy.

Wichita police say a man has died after accidentally shooting himself in the leg and then crashing his vehicle while trying to get to a hospital.


Pay to Play, Cops and Robbers Dept. 5



Edward Livingston:

No nation ever yet found any inconvenience from too close an inspection into the conduct of its officers, but many have been brought to ruin and reduced to slavery by suffering gradual impositions and abuses.


Swampwater 0

Title:  Patriotism.  Frame One:  Man holding assault weapon posing before American flag.  Caption:  Eric Prince, founder of Blackwater Worldwide, provider of security services during Iraq War.  Frame Two:  Man fleeing out back door.  Caption:  Left the U. S. for Abu Dhabi, fined millions of dollars for export violations, five executives indicted on weapons-related charges, four contractors sentenced to prison for killing unarmed Iraqis, now doing contract work in Africa for Communist China.


The Snaring Economy 0

Seems Uber may be the ride for the discriminating.

Uber Technologies Inc must defend against a lawsuit accusing the popular ride-sharing service of discriminating against blind people by refusing to transport guide dogs, a federal judge ruled.

In a decision late Friday night, U.S. Magistrate Judge Nathanael Cousins in San Jose, California, said the plaintiffs could pursue a claim that Uber was a “travel service” subject to potential liability under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The judge also rejected Uber’s arguments that the plaintiffs, including the National Federation of the Blind of California, lacked standing to sue under the ADA and state laws protecting the disabled.


Prisoners of the Past . . . and Present 0

Republican screaming about improving U. S.-Cuban relations:  Outrageous!  Cuba is still a place where basic human rights are routinely abused.  Castro says:  But enough about Gitmo.

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Demonstrate politeness to your potential progeny.

A man accidentally shot himself in the testicles while walking down a street in Los Angeles Saturday, police said.

The 26-year-old was enjoying a stroll with his girlfriend on Beverly Boulevard and Robinson Street in Silver Lake at around 12:45 a.m. when he heard a pop, a Los Angeles Police Department spokesman said.

This is a new twist in ammosexuality. After all, he could have just gotten one of those vibrator thingees.

Via Southern Beale.


Football uber Alles 0

In the Sacramento Bee, Andy Furillo argues that UC-Davis needs to forego its “inviolate principles” of athletic competition, at least as regards to Big-Time Football. As near as I can make out his argument, it’s this:


Code Words 0

Leonard Pitts, Jr., ponders how Wayne LaPierre so creatively turned the polysyllabic latinate phrase, “demographically significant,” into a slur. A snippet:

Here’s the thing about “demographically symbolic” presidents and candidates: They tend to function like Rorschach inkblots. Meaning that what we see in them reveals more about us than them. Where Barack Obama is concerned, the right-wing panic over birth certificates and fist bumps and the left-wing tendency to idealize and canonize his every exhalation revealed the rank bigotry and messy irresolution beneath our “post-racial” happy talk. Where Clinton is concerned, these very early indications suggest her woman-ness will likewise be a minefield for friend, foe and media — even more, perhaps, than in 2008.

One side effect of Barack Obama’s presidency is this: The right no longer even tries to hide its racist, bigoted roots. Indeed, it now flaunts them.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness takes practice.

Residents in the Lehigh Valley say their lives are in danger by stray bullets flying into their neighborhood.

They say the bullets have hit their homes and landed in their backyards and believe they’re coming from a nearby gun club.

According to the story, this has been going on for several years. Law enforcement says he link to the gun club has not been conclusively established. It could be polite hunters “milling around” (to quote the story).

Then it starts to get weird.



A Tampa Bay Times investigation has found that Tampa police are targeting poor, black neighborhoods with obscure subsections of a Florida statute that outlaws things most people have tried on a bike, like riding with no light or carrying a friend on the handlebars.

Officers use these minor violations as an excuse to stop, question and search almost anyone on wheels. The department doesn’t just condone these stops, it encourages them, pushing officers who patrol high-crime neighborhoods to do as many as possible.

There was the 56-year-old man who rode his bike through a stop sign while pulling a lawnmower. Police handcuffed him while verifying he had, indeed, borrowed the mower from a friend.

There was the 54-year-old man whose bike was confiscated because he couldn’t produce a receipt to prove it was his.

There’s more.

Hell, I bought my bike eight or nine years ago with cash from a small non-profit that restores bikes for poor kids. I don’t have any idea where the receipt is, if indeed there was a receipt.

The cops are trying to defend this as a war against crime, as if bicycle violations are some sort of “gateway crime.”

Yeah. Right.


Civil Air Patrol, Republican Style 0

Republican to man in gyrocopter on Capitol grounds:  Unless you are a corporate lobbyist, you are in big trouble.

Via Balloon Juice.



Herb Caen:

The only thing wrong with immortality is that it tends to go on forever.


CSI: Real Life 0

This surprises you how?

The Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000.

Of 28 examiners with the FBI Laboratory’s microscopic hair comparison unit, 26 overstated forensic matches in ways that favored prosecutors in more than 95 percent of the 268 trials reviewed so far, according to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) and the Innocence Project, which are assisting the government with the country’s largest post-conviction review of questioned forensic evidence.

In related news, don’t believe the “cyber” in CSI: Cyber>. It’s so absurd that you can’t debunk it, because there’s just too damned much bunk. It makes em>Godzilla look like a true-to-life nature documentary.


Meet “The Insufferables” 0

Disputes break out among Jeff the Cyclist, Freddy the Fruitarian, Victor the Vegan, and Ernest the Electric Vehicle Driver at the Conference for the Self-Righteous

Click for a larger image.

I swear I saw Jeff pedaling frantically along this morning.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Polite at any speed:

Christopher Nazario, 31, of Hudson, was arrested without incident Friday morning after calling police to report an accident on Ledge Street, saying he was holding the other driver at gunpoint, police said in a news release. According to police, the incident began when Nazario and Anthony Santiago were passing over the Sagamore Bridge and continued in the northbound lanes of the Everett Turnpike. Nazario followed when Santiago exited onto Ledge Street, then passed him illegally, police said.

Nazario hit his brakes, then swerved to the left and collided with Santiago’s vehicle after he had turned in order to avoid a collision, police said.

Just another day in NRA Paradise . . . .


Heh 0

(Emphasis added.)

. . . what the NHampsters refer to as “tourism.” One of the richest “tourist” lodes is the quadrennial presidential Running of the Candidates, . . . .

AKA, “running of the bullshit.”

Follow the link.


“Doing the Time Warp Again” 0

George Diaz thinks that Mario Rubio is living in the past.

Marco Rubio is a political rock star among conservatives. The fan base is smitten by a lot of things — savvy stage presence, a story that resonates with the power of the American Dream, and a fresh young face among the usual GOP contenders not named Bush.

But here’s the hiccup: He is a modern-day John Kennedy, stuck in archaic, Joe McCarthy politics.

Fear the commies. Fear the homos. Quash civil rights.

He proceeds to rip Rubio apart for his flip-flopping hypocrisy on immigration.

I would disagree with the comparison to John Kennedy; whatever his faults, Kennedy had some integrity.

Richard Nixon might be a better analogy: all the grift all the time.


Competition 0

A most unfortunately named game.
