From Pine View Farm

April, 2015 archive

Newsweek Discovers Olds 0

Via Raw Story, Newsweek discovers that Facebook drops persistent cookies that track you even when you are not browsing Facebook.

This is not news. This is olds.

This is why, for years, the few times I visit Facebook, I do so only in a private browser tab that deletes all cookies when it’s closed, and, to be doubly safe, have my browser delete all cookies upon exit.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

A polite society is a clean society.

The girl’s father told detectives the girl was helping him and her sister clean the family’s home on County Road 3451 in Flora Vista that afternoon. The father picked up a 22-caliber rifle, handed it to the younger sister and told her to take it to a different room.

The younger sister playfully pointed the gun at her sister and pulled the trigger.

The rifle discharged, and the bullet struck the 8-year-old girl in the neck.

No charges will be filed, because, according to the report, the father was sober and cooperative.

It used to be that being drunk was an acceptable excuse; now it appears that being not drunk has become one.


All the News that Fits 0

Title:  Toxic.  Image:  Hazmat team cordoning off Fox News.

Via Job’s Anger.


Biblical Marriage 1

Types of Marriage sanctioned in the Bible:  One man, one or more women.

I find it noteworthy how many persons who love to thump the Bible seem unable to comprehend the frightful implications of taking it literally.

Via Job’s Anger.



Marv Albert:

It’s impossible to work under conditions where they confused negativity with objectivity.


War and Mongers of War 0


It’s Rand Time 0

Rand:  I'm here to take our country back.  (Standing next to time machine)  Back to 1952.

Via Juanita Jean.


All the News that Fits (in a Tea Bag) 0

There’s a new outlet for teabaggery in Minnesota that calls itself Alpha News. Michael Brodkorb reports that they have already prepared themselves for any allegations that their news is made-up news.

In a post for the Star Tribune last month, I wrote about the mysterious launch of Alpha News. The first news of Alpha News came from a post by the Minnesota Tea Party Alliance on Facebook. Many of the initial news stories from Alpha News covered issues which have been advocated by the Minnesota Tea Party Alliance.

Please do not be surprised or concerned, as according to the “Website Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement” for Alpha News, “Alpha News is not responsible for the content of postings and comments” on Alpha News.

Follow the link. It’s get better.


This Alpha will never make it to beta.


“We’re Number One!” 0

No, we’re not.


uWatch Out Now 0

Peter St. Onge considers the iWatch and rudeness quotient.

He has a point.

As much as I do love computers for what they make possible, I am appalled at persons who continue telephone calls as they deal with sales clerks and find a twits on twitter more important than the friends in front of them. Heck, some young lady with her head in a cell phone nearly collided with me as she cut a left turn too close (and too fast) at an intersection day before yesterday.

Smart phones wielded by stupid persons make for no good outcome.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness must be practiced.

Police say the 46-year-old Rentas, 25-year-old Key and her 30-year-old husband were test firing a gun in the basement of a Lancaster home when a bullet went through a door and struck the boy as he played in a front yard.


The Galt and the Lamers 0

Jon Stewart discusses Sam Brownback’s efforts to create a Galtian Paradise in Kansas.

Below the fold in case it autoplays.

Read more »



Blaise Pascal:

Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, nor the lack of contradiction a sign of truth.


Driving while Black: Guilty until Proven Innocent 0


Facebook Frolics 0

Testing the TOS.

A class action lawsuit over alleged breaches of EU privacy law, mass surveillance and involvement in the NSA’s Prism snooping programme has been filed against Facebook in Vienna.

The lawsuit, which was officially filed in a Vienna court on Thursday, is being spearheaded by 27-year-old Austrian law graduate and privacy campaigner Max Schrems.


The case has been brought against Facebook’s European headquarters in Dublin, which registers all accounts outside the US and Canada, accounting for approximately 80% of Facebook’s 1.35 billion users.

Schrems was able to file his action against the Irish subsidiary in a civil court in Vienna because he claims Facebook is in breach of European law on users’ data.

Wonder whether this will go anywhere?


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Emily Badger explores the recent spate of laws, like these, designed to shame and punish the poor for being poor, and tries to understand why persons go for them. A snippet:

Political scientist Suzanne Mettler has called this effect the “submerged state.” Food stamps and welfare checks are incredibly visible government benefits. The mortgage interest deduction, Medicare benefits and tuition tax breaks are not — they’re submerged. They come to us in round-about ways, through smaller tax bills (or larger refunds), through payments we don’t have to make to doctors (thanks to Medicare), or in tuition we don’t have to pay to universities (because the G.I. Bill does that for us).

Mettler’s research has shown that a remarkable number of people who don’t think they get anything from government in fact benefit from one of these programs. This explains why we get election-season soundbites from confused voters who want policymakers to “keep your government hands off my Medicare!” This is also what enables politicians to gin up indignation among small-government supporters who don’t realize they rely on government themselves.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

Somewhat better.

From mid-March through the seven days ended April 4, jobless claims averaged 282,250 a week, the lowest since June 2000, a Labor Department report showed Thursday in Washington. Applications over the latest week climbed by 14,000 to 281,000. The median forecast of 45 economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for 283,000.


The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits declined by 23,000 to 2.3 million in the week ended March 28, the fewest since December 2000. The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits held at 1.7 percent. These data are reported with a one-week lag.


Rand Gestures 0

Title:  The Libertarian.  Image:  Rand Paul at podium saying,

Click for a larger image.


“Special Snowflakes” 0

I don’t follow Daily Kos very closely, but I must say, this post is a gem.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Target practice in the Target store:

Officers said a customer had an apparent unintentional discharge of a firearm inside the store. Surveillance video showed that after the customer checked out at a register, she was putting something into her purse when a firearm discharged from inside the purse.

The round ricocheted off the floor and went into the ceiling. No one was injured, but floor tiles and the ceiling sustained damage.

This guns everywhere sure is working out nicely, is it not?
