From Pine View Farm

Facebook Frolics 2

Gwendolyn Seidman puts Facebook on the couch at Psychology Today Blogs.



  1. George Smith

    May 30, 2015 at 12:33 pm

    I don’t consider my “friends” on Facebook to be anything of the sort. I have one real word name in my list, someone I work with in Pasadena, regularly. The rules in that article kind of hint/dance around that, for the sake of civility.

    Facebook will always be the app for the Culture of Lickspittle. I started watching the movie “The Social Network” on tv at a friend’s this week. Got through 40 minutes before having had enough. If it was accurate, there was nothing endearing, friendly or particularly social about Mark Zuckerberg. My impression was he liked using his intellect to needle people, the more, the better and that’s why he made these things — virtual world scratching posts that encourages bootlicking and returning to the behaviors of high school, for everybody, free.

    When you get right down to it, I don’t want to be anyone’s “friend” on Facebook anymore than I want to be sign as being regularly clever on Twitter.

  2. Frank

    May 30, 2015 at 10:26 pm

    If I didn’t pump my blog posts into Facebook (via “networked blogs”), I would have deleted all my data and “deactivated” my account long ago. My Facebook page is a string of my blog posts, making it, as First Son once said, “a very strange internet place.”

    Facebook has enabled one good thing for me, and that was a very good thing one of the best things that has happened for me in decades and why I’m now in Virginia Beach, but, yeah, I pretty much agree with you. Facebook is the user, and Facebook “users” are the used.

    Facebook as a corporation is sociopathy writ in electrons.

    Twitter is a culvert of stupid.