May, 2015 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Practice that politeness.
Just the sort of fellow I want to see carrying a concealed firearm, yes-indeedy-do.
Everybody Must Get Fracked 0
After all, what could possibly go wrong?
Twits on Twitter 0
Complaining that a movie is not “true to the comic”; bet they didn’t complain about Noah, which was not true to anything.
These folks need to stop trying to make Big Bang Theory reruns come alive and get a life.
How Stuff Works, What the Market Will Bear Dept. 0
The fee hand of the market in action: it’s not for the little guy.
Macho Macho Men 0
Froma Harrop wonders who joins outlaw biker gangs. She gets an answer from James F. Quinn, a University of North Texas sociologist.
Women are not invited. Women are never members of a “1 percent club,” a reference to the tiny percentage of motorcyclists not considered law-abiding citizens. Women are there to serve, which is why the Waco bikers gravitated to a Hooters clone restaurant, where the waitresses wear tops cut low and shorts cut high.
“It’s No Secret How Weird My Love Is for You” 0
. . . not if it’s on the innerwebs.
Republican Family Values . . . 0
. . . continue to amaze.
When one so fetishizes sex as do the family-values Bible-thumpers, no good can result.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
“In your face” politeness:
Deputies responded after a man called 911 saying he’d shot his girlfriend in the face at their residence on Whites Chapel Road.