From Pine View Farm

October, 2015 archive

The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Cartoon lampooning Republican efforts to keep citizens from voting.

Via Job’s Anger.


“Just the Facts, Ma’am” 0

Wait. No, we meant our facts, not real facts.

As my two or three regular readers know, I’m not a big fan of Hilary Clinton, but I freely admit that that has more to do with style than with substance; her substance is pretty damn substantial and her making peace with President Obama after the 2008 nomination race showed a lot of class (on both their parts, I must add).

In the case of the Benghazi Republican scamdal, I must agree with John Cole.



Ben Hecht:

Hollywood held this double lure for me, tremendous sums of money for work that required no more effort than a game of pinochle.


“The Smart One” 0

Daniel Ruth, in the midst of a larger discussion the relationship between Marco “Rube” Rubio and Jeb! makes this telling offhand observation (emphasis added):

Trump grasps what no one else quite understood: Bush has no clue how to fight back when he gets slapped around. He’s never had to.


Debtor’s Prisons 0

If you wonder why I support the ACLU, look no further.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

I guess this is what is meant by “guarded politeness.”


One’s Attire Must Suit the Occasion 0

Republican Benghazi Committee to Hillary Clinton, as they indicated a witch's costume:  Could you put it on before the hearing.  It would make things simpler.

Via Job’s Anger.


In the Pink 0

The NFL is run by some of the worst people in the world.


Black Coffee, Black Hearts 0


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

Not bad (emphasis added):

Jobless claims rose by 3,000 to 259,000 in the week ended Oct. 17, a report from the Labor Department showed on Thursday in Washington.


The four-week moving average decreased to 263,250, the lowest since December 1973. The comparable reading for the September survey week was 272,500.

The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits rose by 6,000 to 2.17 million in the week ended Oct. 10. The four-week average declined to the lowest since November 2000.

The Republican Party is, no doubt, mulling strategies to reverse this disturbing trend.


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0

What happens when a philosopher takes on frackers?

It was ultimately a Pyrrhic victory.



Robin Quivers:

If Thomas Jefferson had heard us, he probably would have said, ‘We shouldn’t have free speech.’


And Now for Something Completely Different 0


“The Smart One” 0

Jeb! stands at a podium.  One onlooker says,

Shaun Mullen has more.


Lost in Translation 0

The Guardian’s David Shariatmadari rounds up a list of unfortunate errata in English versions of the Christian Bible.


Facebook Frolics 0

Courtroom frolics.


A Magickal Mystickal Place Is Gun Nut Fantasy World 0

Three words: drunk frat boys.


Legends of the Fail 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite in your home.

He (Sheriff Lynn Sheffield–ed.) says the 3-year old girl and her mother were at home when the mother left the child in one room and went to the bedroom to do something.

The mother took the weapon off of the chest of drawers and laid it on the bed.

Unknown to the mother, Sheffield said, the child came into the bedroom and climbed on the bed. The child picked up the weapon and shot herself in the leg.


The Scam Cycle 0

Noz explains the workings of the eternal exercise wheels of Republican scamdals. A snippet:

Republican in pilgrim outfit:  Persons say our Benghazi hearings are a witch hunt.  That's not true!   (Holds up torch) We've already found the witch.

We have seen this over and over again recently. The GOP comes up with some line, they try it and it flops. But they can’t ever acknowledge that the line was no good so they blame someone else for the flop (often the “liberal media”) and they try it again. Even if it flops again, they will try it over and over, and they will continue trying it even when it becomes clear that the line is becoming a liability.


Noz misplet “librul media.”
