“No Irish Muslims Need Apply”
In the Seattle Times, Nick Hanauer indulges in a bit of hyperbole in arguing against closing our borders:
Imagine an America where Jobs’ father was turned away because of his Muslim faith. You might be reading these words on a massive 25-pound desktop computer right now. When we exclude people, our perspectives narrow, fewer people feel welcome, fewer problems are solved and we enter an economic death spiral of homogeneity.
I’ve had a number of desktop computers. I’m pretty sure none of them weighed even half of 25 pounds; the one I’m using right now weighs about five pounds. Furthermore, Jobs was not a tech genius; he was a marketing genius.
Despite the hyperbole, the author has a point.
Follow the link for the rest.
December 9, 2015 at 5:47 pm
Point’s short and sweet but misses the larger picture. That’s because Nick Hanauer has never had to live in WhiteManistan. It’s gone well beyond hating just hating on Muslims. Truth is, too, and you know it, the SValley and its tech geniuses would just get a get-out-of-jail-free card to hire whoever they want, even in a dictatorship.
Definitely behind the curve now, on this. I suggested Mike Godwin’s Hitler dictum was obsolete a while back. It’s in the trash, deservedly. Hitler’s legally back in the argument. The thoughtful, not net trolls, are using him.
So what’s American Hitler look like? He was never going to resemble Adolf. But you go over the language of fascism from Germany as a weak social democracy when Hitler was shunned by allegedly decent people and put in prison for his little revolt and compare it to our weak democracy and the rage of the white guy Trump has locked into …
December 10, 2015 at 11:22 pm
You got money, you got the card.
I’m not sure that Hanauer has never had to live in Whitemanistan. He most surely does. Frankly, it don’t get much whiter than the Pacific Northwest.
He just hasn’t noticed.
In order to notice, you have to realize that not-white folks are people. Not “people too.” Just people.
December 11, 2015 at 12:37 pm
See, that’s just it. He never had to mix it up with the grass roots. He now knows the US is a weak democracy, if one at all. Like the many reasonable Germans under Hindenberg he can’t really get a grip on what’s going down and the mobilization of hate that’s occurred so quickly. It’s gone beyond the 99 percent will come for us with pitchforks warnings he was good at. And he’s no good at writing about the rise of Hitler, or an American version.
December 13, 2015 at 12:16 am
I will concede that he doesn’t get what’s going on.
The South is rising again, and this time it’s backed by New York money.
His vision may be limited, but that does not impeach his point about the closing of our borders.