From Pine View Farm

December, 2015 archive

Sacred Text 0

This is in Dutch, but the subtitles tell the story.

Via Delaware Liberal, which has commentary.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Billboard saying

Click for a larger image.


The Snaring Economy 0

A lock-out is a time honored tactic of employers who mistreat employees. Now comes the digital lock-out.

Uber, natch, says it was all a big mistake.


Pot Criticizes Kettle 0

As a black lady of my acquaintance and I agreed the other night, you don’t have to use the n-word to be a racist. Genteel bigotry is still bigotry, just all dolled up in its Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Play politely.

Cory Newville, 20, suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound while with friends, Kent County Undersheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young said. An investigation shows that the group was drinking, she added.


The Kent County Sheriff’s Department says Newville recently got a handgun and was playing with it. Lee Newville, Cory’s brother, confirms to WZZM that Cory recently bought the gun and was showing it to friends when the accidental shooting happened.

And, elsewhere on the politeness front . . . .


Fly the Fiendly Skies 0

It’s happened again.


Plus Ca Change 0

Dick Polman says, “It’s happened before.”

This is Senator Joe McCarthy, the infamous red-baiting demagogue, speaking in 1951: “How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men high in this government are concerting to deliver us to disaster?”

This is Donald Trump, on TV this morning: “Why do we insist on destroying our country?”

This is McCarthy, in 1951: “This must be the product of a great conspiracy … a conspiracy of infamy.”

This is Trump, talking about President Obama: “There is something going on with him that we don’t know about.”

The ’50s Republican party indulged Joe McCarthy, abetting him with its timorous silence, for four long years before it finally roused itself to take him down. Does the current Republican party have the moral wherewithal to renounce Donald Trump before it’s too late to avert a landslide defeat in 2016?

Follow the link for his answer.

(I did not use the same picture of McCarthy as Polman. I grabbed one that is assured to be public domain.)




In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0

Warning: Language.


Both Sides Not 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite to your furry friends.

A family is devastated after their dogs were found shot and killed after they ran away from home near the Albany-Schoharie County line.

The Albany County Sheriff’s Office and the Department of Environmental Conservation are investigating after two pets were found shot to death. . . .

The shooting does not appear to be an accident.

(Remember that, in the country, folks do not keep their pets all cooped up like city folk do.)


Suffer the Children 0

In Florida, it’s a policy.


Boys and Their Toys 0

Here (NSFW).

Via Juanita Jean.


Incantation 0

Via Raw Story.


Drinking Liberally Virginia Beach Thursday 0

Fun and fellowship for liberals. Join us and talk about anything in a relaxed atmosphere.

When: Thursday, December 10, 6 p.

Croc’s 19 Street Bistro
620 19th Street (Map)

More here.


Twits on Twitter 0

Big twits. Really big twits.



Josh Groban:

When I feel confused or depressed, I remember back to junior high and I silently repeat, ‘This, too, shall pass.’


One-Note Samba (Updated) 0


Enter the chorus.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Exit the vehicle, politely.

A 53-year-old Winchester man was killed in a gun accident Monday morning while he was deer hunting by himself.

. . . According to Jefferson County Sheriff Jeff Herrig, Gene T. Robertson was shot and killed accidentally by his own gun while he was getting in or out of his vehicle.

And another gun that fires itself . . . .


A Rasher Move 0

Now, you, too, can have your own bacon bits.
