From Pine View Farm

December, 2015 archive

The Farce Awakens . . . 0

. . . and, to quote the immortal Yogurt, it’s all about the merchandising.


The Price of Liberty Is Eternal Vigilante (Wait . . .) 0

Via Raw Story.


The Proof Is in the Potting 0

Via Historiann.



William Blake:

Both read the Bible day and night, but thou read black where I read white.


The Candidates Debate 0

Dick Polman predicts the contents of tonight’s Republican performance theatre debate.

Me, I won’t be watching to see whether he got it right.


Immunity Impunity 0


. . . and Justice for All 0

Old man wearing USA tee shirt:  Violating the rights of Muslims just because we think they might be terrorists isn't something we do. . . .  That's what Gitmo is for.

Click for a larger image.


Republican WYSIWYG not 0

Paul Krugman considers the rise of the right wing in Europe and the U. S. A snippet (emphasis added):

The story is quite different in America, because the Republican Party hasn’t tried to freeze out the kind of people who vote National Front in France. Instead, it has tried to exploit them, mobilizing their resentment via dog whistles to win elections. This was the essence of Richard Nixon’s “southern strategy,” and it explains why the GOP gets the overwhelming majority of Southern white votes.

But there is a strong element of bait-and-switch to this strategy. Whatever dog whistles get sent during the campaign, once in power the GOP has made serving the interests of a small, wealthy economic elite, especially through big tax cuts, its main priority — a priority that remains intact, as you can see if you look at the tax plans of the establishment presidential candidates this cycle.

Sooner or later the angry whites who make up a large fraction, maybe even a majority, of the GOP base were bound to rebel . . . .


Hey! Rubio! 0



Faze the Nation 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness takes practice.

Tom Smith, a family pastor who also helps with church security, was shot by his instructor during a gun safety class.

Modesto police said the two were acting out a scenario when a loaded gun the instructor was holding accidentally went off. The pastor was shot in the abdomen.


Both Sides Not 0




William E. Gladstone:

Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear.


And Now for Something Completely Different 1


And some folks of my generation think that Iron Butterfly invented the drum solo. It is to laugh.

Ginger Baker was a pretty good drummer, but give me Buddy Rich or Gene Krupa every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


The Candidates Debate, Idiot Boxes of Idiots Dept. 0

I don’t watch candidate debates. I can read about them the next morning in 10 or 15 minutes, instead of wasting hours of my life that I can’t get back.

Tonight, I might just watch some Three Stooges. At least their work had coherence.


“It’s All about Me” 0

Scientific Blogging looks at how narcissism is driving marketing is driving narcissism is driving marketing . . . .


Profiles in Courage 0

Now ain’t these forces just special?


None Dare Call It Terrorism 0

Dennis Chinoy dares to ask the question:

That question is: Don’t recent events warrant that we curtail immigration of Christians to our shores in order to combat the threat of radical Christian terrorism?

Consider this: The mass shootings in Colorado by Christian fanatic Robert Lewis Dear followed his Internet proclamation, “Turn to JESUS or burn in hell […] WAKE UP SINNERS U CANT SAVE YOURSELF U WILL DIE AN WORMS SHALL EAT YOUR FLESH” (emphasis his). His terrorist act is the most recent of a series of assassinations and mass killings perpetrated in Christianity’s name, heinous crimes that should repulse us all.


If Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and their ilk crying “Radical Islamic Terrorism” at the top of their lungs object to this substitution of Christian for Muslim, Bible for Koran, Old Testament injunctions for Sharia Law, then they are obliged to tell us how Muslim, Christian or Jewish zealots are any different from each other.

Follow the link for more.


Facebook Frolics 0



Progeny 0

Dear Karl Rove,

With any luck, my grandchildren will still be alive.

Yours truly,


P. S.: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
