December, 2015 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Be polite to your furry friends.
Trumpeting Nonsense 0
One way to tell that Donald Trump is beyond the pale is this: Even Charles Krauthammer, who can pretzel himself to support the most twisted Republican policies, is excoriating his positions.
And Now for Something Completely Different 0
A poem, one which has long been one of my favorites, not by Henry Gibson, but rather by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
Hey! Rubio! 0
At our Drinking Liberally gathering Thursday, one of our members who follows the numbers predicted that the Republican establishment, to such an extent that there is such a thing anymore, would eventually unite behind Marco Rubio as the anti-Trump.
He may on to something.
The next morning, my local rag reported that our Congressman, (who, like our previous governor, has the ability to hide his very right-wing positions under a veneer of mild-mannered behavior) endorsed Marco Rubio in the face of overwhelming evidence that Marco Rubio is as dumb as a post and incapable of original thought is neither capable of nor qualified for governance.
And don’t pay no never mind to the predictions of a “brokered” convention. As Michael in Norfolk points out, there ain’t no brokers any more.
The Mouth Roars . . . 0
. . . but the skin is thin.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Share the politeness with your family.
The child did not survive.
More guns, of course, would have prevented this from happening.