February, 2016 archive
Imagineering* the Republican Debates 0
Dick Polman imagines the Lincoln-Douglas debates in modern dress.
*If anyone proposes a project to you or your organization and includes this repulsive bit of consultant-speak in the proposal, run. Very fast. The other way.
Flack the Children 0
We have a polity assemblage that believes in magic demands the government provide services while simultaneously refusing to pay for them.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 1
Rear your children politely.
“(We) did an autopsy today and he died from a single gunshot wound to the chest. All indications are is that he is the one that pulled the trigger,” Dearborn County coroner Steven Callahan said.
And, in more news of the polite, practice makes politeness.
Days of Future Passed 0
Werner Herzog’s Bear awakens from hibernation in 2019 and surveys a Trump presidency.
Showdown at the Ammosexual Corral 0
Like banty roosters in the barnyard:
“Mine is bigger than yours.”
“Is not!”
Words fail me.
Literature Goes Live 0
Just as in the boook, Frankenstein fears the monster.
Still Rising Again after All These Years 0
Duking it out (cough! cough!) in Anaheim:
One Klansman stabbed a counter-protester with the decorative end of a flag pole, Wyatt said. That stabbing set off a vicious brawl in which Klan members and protesters fought across an entire city block.
I wonder just what might be going on to that has so emboldened the secesh?
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Exit your vehicle, politely.
The victim is a 63-year-old man from Beavercreek.