February, 2016 archive
Republican Family Values . . . 0
. . . are a con and a scam, a show for the rubes, as a tinkling cymbal or a sounding brass, signifying nothing.
Trump’s Troops 0
Trump Nation 0
Alfred P. Doblin finds Trumpery chilling. Here’s snippet from his piece:
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Self-politeness is the politest kind.
Investigators say the man had returned home from work and dropped the handgun as he got out of his vehicle. It struck the ground and went off.
And, in more news of the polite . . . .
This “guns everywhere” thing is working out so nicely, is it not?
When the FBI Wants To Look at Your iJunk 0
At the Boston Review, Neil M. Richards has a long and reasonably even-handed look at the legal struggle between the FBI and Apple over cracking the San Bernadino shooters’ iPhone.
It defies excerpt or summary. If you want a clear and level-headed look, free of polemic, at this issue, give it a read.
Droning On 0
Boys and their toys:
The agents said that there had been repeated flights over Bangor, and that they happened at night, according to Starcevich.
“That was the spooky thing. They were happening only at night,” Starcevich said. “I really can’t imagine any of the neighbors or neighbor’s kids thinking it’s OK to run drones over Bangor. Everyone here is very aware that this is one of the most lethal places on Earth.”
The stupid. It burns.
Food Change 0
It’s “all natural”!
Yeah? “All natural” what?
In case you wondered, this is yet another example of why we need those evul fedrul reglators.