February, 2016 archive
Counting the Trump Cards (Updated) 0
Dan Morain tries to figure out why persons who should see through con still support Trump. Here’s a bit from the beginning of the article:
Californians have given $208,000 of the $1.6 million in donations of $200 or more, the level at which Trump must disclose donors’ names. Hoping to understand them, I called a bunch of them.
The ones who called back were middle-aged and white, like me, though unlike them, I will not vote for Trump or, for that matter, buy his overpriced ties. Hardly the uneducated rubes who often are the focus of what’s written about Trump’s campaign, his donors include lawyers, doctors, people in real estate and finance, even a few Hollywood types.
Follow the link and try to make sense out what they told him.
When you do, let me know.
In related news, Jeb Lund over at The Guardian offers a theory.
Field nails the inconsistency in the “reasoning” of many Trump supporters (emphasis added):
Supporting Trump because you are ticked off at the world is like shooting wildly into the air. It may be fun to do, but the shells fall back to earth to do harm.
Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0
Still not bad.
The four-week moving average, a less volatile measure than the weekly claims numbers, decreased to 272,000 last week, the lowest since mid-December, from 273,250.
The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits fell by 19,000 to 2.25 million in the week ended Feb. 13. The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits held at 1.7 percent. These data are reported with a one-week lag.
Peas in a Pod? 0
The Local finds eerie similarities between Donald Trump and Silvio Berlusconi. A snippet:
“The vulgarity, the megalomania, the implausible ‘hair’ styles and of course, the cash. Lots of it, . . . .”
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Practice random acts of politeness.
“A communications error occurred between one of the shooters and the man marking targets, which resulted in the man down range being shot,” said Sheriff’s Lt. Jeremy Curry.
Note the passive voice. It would seem that no one actually did anything; stuff just happened.
Plus Ca Change 0
Shorter Dan Simpson: It’s deja vu all over again.
“He Don’t Know His Place” 0
As regards the Supreme Court vacancy, any Southern boy can tell you what’s going on.
Republicans are punishing President Obama for being uppity.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 1
Make politeness mandatory.
There’s a reason they are called gun nuts.
Kasich’s Moderate Masquerade 0
Remember, in Wingnut World, “moderate” means someone who screws the polity politely, without all that unseemly gloating.
Via C&L.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
That whole “guns for protection” thing is working out so nicely.
Local media outlets report the shooting happened about 2:15 a.m. Monday at the Delux Inn & Suites.
Birmingham police Sgt. Rebecca Herrera says the woman was in the motel room when she thought she heard a noise. Police say she grabbed her gun that was under her pillow, and somehow accidentally shot herself in the chest.
And, in more news of the polite, yet more familial politeness . . . .
The Party of Nixon 0
At The Nation, Gary Younge points out that Donald Trump, despite the protestations or the Republican “establishment” (whatever that is) is the heir to half a century of racist Republican tactics since Richard Nixon started the “Southern strategy.” A snippet:
Trump’s rallies are also unburdened by either actual policies or tangible facts. He just says stuff—whatever comes into his head, it seems—and people cheer or laugh, but rarely call him on it. Whether it’s true or consistent really doesn’t matter.
Read it, then read the Rude One’s rude take on Trumpery.