From Pine View Farm

Is It an Implosion or an Explosion? 2

Brian Greenspun, publisher of the Las Vegas Sun and ex-Republican, marvels at the trajectory of the party that he once supported as it comes apart at the seams. Here’s a bit:

I wasn’t the only Republican who felt uncomfortable toward the end of the 1980s and unwanted in the 2000s. The party that best fit my belief system — socially liberal and fiscally conservative — disappeared before my eyes.

In its place appeared a mishmash of disparate groups that came together in such a way as to assure the party of Abraham Lincoln . . . would collapse of its own weight.


By that I mean that the politics of 2016 have exposed the fault lines among the evangelicals, libertarians, statists, economic conservatives, xenophobes and all kinds of supremacists. The folks who kept the party of Lincoln burning bright for so many decades have all but disappeared or, at least, been marginalized as “the establishment.”



  1. George Smith

    March 19, 2016 at 5:51 pm

    Hopes everyone will eventually do kumbaya and things will be OK again, eh? I bet against. Never could stand kumbaya come-together moments and ceremonies anyway.

  2. Frank

    March 19, 2016 at 9:49 pm

    I also find his optimism hopefulness unjustified, but I think his disillusion well-founded and worth noting and his perspective worthwhile.

    Give him credit for seeing the Republican Party as it is and sympathy for wishing that it somehow redeems itself. We need more Republicans willing to see the light.