From Pine View Farm

March, 2016 archive

Primary Dolors, Reprise 0

In a column written before yesterday’s primaries but accurately anticipating the outcome as regards Little Marco, Daniel Ruth looks for lessons in the demise of the Rubio campaign and finds a few. Here’s one:

As we inch closer to Tuesday, here’s what we’ve learned.

We’ve learned that not all nasty, backstabbing, relentless negative advertising campaigns are equal.

Follow the link for more.


Monopolizing Fascism 0


Trumping Women 0

Via Kos.

By-the-by, the ad was produced by a Republican PAC.



Eugene McCarthy:

Remember that the worst accidents occur in the middle of the road.


Primary Dolors 0

Little Marco packs it in.


Trump, the Symptom 0


The Chicago Riots 0

Chauncey Devega was at the Chicago rally for Donald Trump, the one that was purportedly canceled for “security concerns.” He says it has been grievously misrepresented. An excerpt:

As I watched the mayhem, I was treated to a verbal epilogue from the Trump supporters sitting behind me. They were pissed and angry. Frustrated whiteness is scary; frustrated and likely a bit drunk whiteness and conservative-authoritarianism is even more so. These three young men grumbled about how the Trump protesters were “animals,” “undesirables,” and didn’t know that “the government is soon going to control all of them if they don’t vote for Trump.” The trio uttered some other vitriol and curses toward the people who were protesting the bigot Donald Trump before they skulked away.


At Friday’s rally in Chicago, the members of the “silent majority” that Trump speaks for were made, at least for a few hours, to realize that other Americans actually have a voice too. Of course, this moment will only encourage their right-wing politics of racial resentment, hatred, nativism and revanchism. The Trumpeteers now have a story to tell of black and brown savagery in the evil “Democratically controlled” Chicago. This distorted version of events will resonate throughout the Fox News right-wing disinformation machine. Those Trumpeteers at his planned Chicago rally will spin tales of being imperiled by “Mau Maus” and “Commies.” In reality, they were never in any real danger. And like Trump’s other events, the fights and scuffles that did take place were mostly instigated by his supporters.

Follow the link to read (or listen to–he also made this into a podcast) the full report.


Facebook Frolics 0

Are you desperate for “likes”?


The Fire Next Time 0

Donald Trump pouring gasoline on flames labeled

Click for a larger image.


Your Third Grade Teacher Told You So 0

Spelling is important, regardless of your career choice.

A spelling mistake in an online bank transfer instruction helped prevent a nearly $1bn heist last month involving the Bangladesh central bank and the New York Fed, banking officials said.

Unknown hackers still managed to get away with about $80m, one of the largest known bank thefts in history.



Susie Sampson Samples CPAC 0


No End in Cite 0

At Above the Law, Elie Mystal mulls over whether Donald Trump can be charged with “incitement to violence” in connection with one of his supporter’s “sucker punching” a protester and concludes “no.” Mystal applies the Hollywood super villain standard to illustrate the reasoning:

Donald Trump is not taking normal people, whipping them up into a frenzy, and then loosing them upon an unsuspecting public. He is talking to crazy people, violent citizens who have been spoiling for a fight ever since they started letting black people go to school with white people, and telling them it’s okay to give into their worst impulses. It’s the difference between buying a fat man a cupcake versus telling him to it’s okay to eat one.

He’s not throwing cash in the streets and watching people fight over it, like Jack Nicholson’s Joker. He’s giving middle class people the moral authority to blow up some undesirables, like Heath Ledger’s Joker.

Follow the link for the details.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Update: Open tag fixed.

More evidence that a polite society is a clean society.

When deputies arrived on the scene — they found a 40 year old man conscious after having shot himself.

According to a press release — the man was cleaning a gun when he accidentally shot himself in the chest.



Ambrose Bierce:

The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling.


A-One-a, a-Two-a, . . . . 0


The “Build Up Their Self-Esteem” Fallacy 0

Picture of Donald Trump in shining armor labeled,

Via Kiko’s House.


The Crux of the Matter 0

Republican elephant to President Obama:  We were wrong about you not having the power to nominate a Supreme Court Justice during the last year of term.  We meant the last seven years of your term.  So why don't we take back Sotomayor and Kagan.  President Obama:  Get bent.  Republican Elephant:  Why must you be so black--I mean unreasonable.

Via Job’s Anger.


Light Bloggery 0

Mental health day.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness is child’s play.

Gwinnett County police spokesman Cpl. Deon Washington tells local news media that the boy was playing with the gun before it went off and killed him Friday. Washington says the boy’s mother was inside the home when he and a nine-year-old boy were playing in the garage shortly before 6 p.m.

Just another death in the NRA Garden of Eden.



Armand Jean du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu:

Nothing so upholds the laws as the punishment of persons whose rank is as great as their crime.
