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At the Bangor Daily News, David Farmer reflects on the docility as Republicans fall in line (and, sometimes, fall all over themselves) to support Donald Trump. A snippet:
In reality, only a few people had the courage to oppose the powerful forces of bigotry and hate.
Today, Republicans must decide if they will support Trump, the authoritarian, the bigot and the misogynist, the reality TV villain who handily beat the Republican primary field and is on his way to the GOP nomination.
For Democrats, it’s an easy call. There’s no risk to me or other progressive columnists or politicians for calling Trump what he is.
But it’s a different story for Republicans, fearful of the short-term political consequences of bucking their party and their nominee. They’re worried about angering an already angry Republican base, about offending donors or being labeled as disloyal — or even worse, as a RINO (Republican in Name Only).
Richard Nixon sold the soul of the Republican Party when he adopted the odious southern strategy. Now the debt collector has come to call.