From Pine View Farm

May, 2016 archive

Nattering Nabobs of Negativism, Republican Style 0

Coleen Carlstedt-Johnson considers the complaints about Hillary Clinton and decides that there’s no there there. Here’s her take on one of them (emphasis in the original):

She’s too guarded. You would be a little circumspect about what you said and how you said it, too, if you had suffered 25 years of brutal verbal abuse, lack of respect and outright degradation by the opposing party. If I were she, I’d be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Wouldn’t you prefer a president who thinks about the ramifications of her statements before she speaks, rather than someone who blurts out what is expedient at the moment, then changes his stance, so that you can never rely on what he says?

Follow the link to see what she said about the others.

Remember, the Clintons have been targets of a quarter-century of conservative calumny. It’s effective to the extent that the lies have been repeated so relentlessly that folks who don’t pay close attention have come to accept them as true.



Flannery O’Connor:

Policy and politics generally go contrary to principle.


Lies, Damned Lies, and Press Releases 0

Follow this link and read the story, then look below the fold to see what I think is the most outrageous statement in it.

Read more »


Cavalcade of Calumny 0

Chris Busby reflects of the media’s inability to dig out from under Donald Trump’s blizzard of lies. A snippet:

Trump’s endless parade of lies, half-truths and slander put the media in an awkward position. Writing in The New Yorker this week, Adam Gopnik observed that “Trump’s lies arrive with such rapidity that before one can be refuted a new one comes to take its place. … The media eventually moves on, shrugging helplessly, to the next lie. … If the lies are bizarre enough and frequent enough, they provoke little more than a nervous giggle and a cry of ‘Well, guess he’s changed the rules!’”

From where I sit, the broadcast media doesn’t even try to keep up. Print media is a little better.

They don’t report, not any more. They just repeat.


Let No Stall Remain Unsurveiled 0

Reg Henry marvels at the Tarheel Potty Police and their numerous auxiliaries who would make your business their business. A snippet:

Where did this absurd concern suddenly come from? Are there not enough terrorists to make people fearful and thus politically exploitable? Do we have to invent new bogeypersons to trouble our dreams? Well, of course.

A classic script of right-wing paranoia unfolds. Select a tiny minority to be demonized, act on weird feelings about sexuality and then drag in the Almighty as justification.

Yet it’s a strange sort of Christianity that punishes the powerless and has no comfort for sobbing and confused children.


How Stuff Works, the Defense Procurement Process Dept. 0

My local rag tells the story of a captain who went down with his slip.

The executive assistant at shipbuilder Austal USA planned to meet Navy Capt. Jeff Riedel at a hotel east of Mobile, Ala., the evening of Jan. 24, 2012. From there, she was going to hop into his rental car to go to an out-of-the-way restaurant 45 minutes away in Gulf Shores, where prying eyes wouldn’t spot them together.

Loving said her orders were clear: She needed risque photographs with Riedel so the company president could use them as leverage over the officer who oversaw acquisition for the troubled littoral combat ship program, which Austal had been awarded a $3.5 billion contract to build in 2010.

I think it can be argued that the Navy officer got his foot caught in a military-industrial complex. (Much more at the link.)


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Inculcate politeness from an early age.

A student brought a loaded handgun to an elementary school in the city’s Tioga section Wednesday morning, but a police investigation determined it was an innocent mistake involving his father.

The 28-year-old father had the gun, which he is licensed to carry, when he was taking out the trash and didn’t want people to see it, so he put it in his son’s school bag, police said. The father forgot about the gun and went to work.

No charges will be filed because of course they won’t.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

Better, and still nicely under 300k.

Initial applications for unemployment benefits dropped by 10,000 to 268,000 in the week ended May 21, a report from the Labor Department showed Thursday. The median forecast of 49 economists surveyed by Bloomberg projected 275,000 claims.

Economists’ estimates in the Bloomberg survey for weekly jobless claims ranged from 270,000 to 297,000. The previous week’s figure was unrevised at 278,000.

Wyoming estimated data last week and otherwise there was nothing unusual in the figures, according to the Labor Department.

The four-week moving average of claims, a less volatile measure than the weekly figures, increased to 278,500 from 275,750.


Trumping the Woman Card 0

Josh Marshall tries to figure out just what Trump thinks he can accomplish attacking Hillary Clinton by blaming her for her husband’s imperfections.


Life on the Inside Is Hard 0

The Bundy Bund have discovered that jail is restricted. A snippet from the story at TPM:

Specifically Ryan says lack of access to talk with Ammon Bundy violates his freedom of assembly. He also argues that his Second Amendment rights have been violated, presumably because guns are not allowed in jails.

Yeah, Bundy wants his gundy back.

Apparently, the Bundy Bund believed that they could take over a Federal Nature Preserve, trash the premises, terrorize the town, and just walk away, Renee, or ride off into the sunset, or something else ending in “get off scot free.”

These fellows must think that John Wayne movies are historical documents, much as the aliens in Galaxy Quest believed in Star Trek.

In other news of the Bundy Bund, legal stuff is taking place.



Guy de Maupassant:

Any government has as much of a duty to avoid war as a ship’s captain has to avoid a shipwreck.


Chill 0


Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Who knew that the CSA has a New Jersey brigade?


Facebook Frolics 0

Avoirdupois frolics.


“Trumpthuglicans” 0


Lessons of History 0

Man reading newspaper to daughter:  We're friends now, but Vietnam was a terrible quagmire.  Daughter, looking at news from Iraq on laptop:  And the quagmires continue.

Click to see the image at its original location.


Water Hazard 0


Starr Turn 0

Juanita Jean.


Thin-Skinned in Blue 0

You really can’t make this stuff up.

A Spanish woman has been fined by police in Spain for walking through the streets of Madrid carrying a bag that declared “All Cats Are Beautiful”.


Despite the fact that the bag carried an image of a cat and the phrase “All Cats Are Beautiful” beneath the letters ACAB, the police insisted it was an acronym for the punk phrase “All Cops Are Bastards”.

What is truly sad is that you don’t have to.

(The report goes on to point out that, in the 1970s–that is almost a half-century ago)–some British punk band that I never heard of had some song that I never heard called “ACAB” for “All Cops Are Bastards.” It would seem that these cops are trying to bring the music to life.)



John Dewey:

The phrase “think for one’s self” is a pleonasm. Unless one does it for one’s self, it isn’t thinking.

From Pine View Farm
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