September, 2016 archive
Fee-Fees 0
Shorter Historiann: Ahhh, did someone hurt ooo’s itty-bitty feelings?
Additional bonus fee-fees here.
Both Sides Not 1
Via Juanita Jean.
“Tee Many Martoonis” 0
And hipsters wonder why we laugh at them.
Gun Whites 0
Eugene Robinson notes the disparity.
Follow the link to find out why he said that.
If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0
Dick Polman continues to decry the disparate treatment.
Well. We know what would happen.
More both sides not at the link.
Rotten Apples Fall from Rotten Trees 0
Shorter Alfred Doblin: Like father, like son.
“Patrol’ll Git You”* 0
*That’s the second line of a children’s song from the slave South as quoted in a little book compiled by one of my great uncles (citation available upon request). The book had only a local printing and is now long out of print, but I still have my copy.
By the by, the first line of that charming little ditty is “Run, N****r, run.”
The Empire Strikes Out 0
Charlotte refused.
The Republican Party’s fascination with what goes on in other persons’ bedrooms continues to amaze me. Video stores (remember video stores?) had back rooms for persons like them.