October, 2016 archive
A Deplorable Calvacade 0
Now we switch to Spocko for the round-up.
A Charade, Not an Echo 0
“Republican Family Values” have never been anything more than a dog and pony show for the rubes.
A Polonius for All Seasons 0
In the Portland Press-Herald, Alan Caron points out that, in his own fashion, Donald Trump is following that blowhard Polonius’s advice, “To thine own self be true,” because he can’t flipping help it.
Not that Trump hasn’t tried. For a while, he brought in new people. He worked with the national party on fundraising and field operations. Seasoned veterans of national campaigns helped him with messaging. He began to read from a teleprompter rather than rely on stream-of-consciousness riffs in his speeches. And his polling numbers began to rise.
But Trump’s attempts to broaden his support among women, more educated suburban voters, Hispanics and moderate Republicans were short-lived and at times painful to watch. He seemed to be awkwardly out of his element talking to a mainstream America that doesn’t think and act like him. . . .
Quickly enough, his bad habits began to take over. He couldn’t help himself.